Please note that earlier issues are still available on, & other online stores. *** A magazine of speculative fiction. Edited by Mike Resnick. Stories by: Mercedes Lackey, Ken Liu, Robert Silverberg, Barry Malzberg, Tina Gower, C. L. Moore, Brad R. Torgersen, David Gerrold, Ralph Roberts, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Gio Clairval, Bruce McAllister & Charles Sheffield. Columns by: Barry Malzberg, Gregory Benford & Book Reviews by Paul Cook
Please note that earlier issues are still available on, & other online stores. *** A magazine of speculative fiction...
…a nakonec stvořil člověk Boha. H.A.R.L.I.E.: Human Analog Replication – Lethetic Intelligence Engine (Analogová replikace člověka – lethetický inteligentní počítač) – nejpokročilejší počítačový program na světě. Programátoři ze společnosti Stellar American vytvořili HARLIEHO jako vnímající, člověku podobnou bytost. Když však tato entita začne skládat básně a ptát se na pocity, smrt a smysl života, rozhodnou se ho jeho tvůrci odpojit. Neuvědomují si však, že ať už se jedná o člověka, nebo stroj, udělá cokoli, aby přežil…...
…a nakonec stvořil člověk Boha. H.A.R.L.I.E.: Human Analog Replication – Lethetic Intelligence Engine (Analogová replikace člověka –...
Prokletá loď je jen pro hodně otrlou posádku. „... příběh se odvíjí rychlostí světla.“ -PUBLISHERS WEEKLY- „(Gerrold) nahlíží na skutečný problém: Jak proměníte posádku lodi, která přináší smůlu, v bojovou jednotku?“ -JERRY POURNELLE- „... je tu dobrodružství, akce se ubírá zběsilým tempem a hlavní záporná postava je náležitě ohavná.“ -ANALOG- „David Gerrold dokazuje, že umí vše, díky čemu milujeme Heinleinovo vyprávění.“ -ORSON SCOTT CARD- „Gerrold napsal inteligentní a zábavnou hard...
Prokletá loď je jen pro hodně otrlou posádku. „... příběh se odvíjí rychlostí světla.“ -PUBLISHERS WEEKLY- „(Gerrold) nah...
This month we feature a new story from and an interview with the 2015 Worldcon (Sasquan) Guest of Honor, David Gerrold.
Stories by: Ron Collins, Robert Silverberg, Dantzel Cherry, Jack McDevitt, Leena Likitalo, Alex Shvartsman, Elizabeth Bear, J. R. Vogt, Lawrence Person, Robert J. Sawyer, David Gerrold
Serialization: Reboots by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin
In The World of Star Trek, David Gerrold opens up dialogue on the people, places, and events that made Star Trek one of the most popular series ever. Gerrold discusses what was successful and what wasn't, offering personal interviews with the series' legendary stars and dissecting the trends that developed throughout the seasons.
The complete inside story of what happened behind the scenes of the Star Trek universe, from scriptwriters' memos to special effects and more, The World of Star Trek is the companion all Trekkies need for the most all-encompassing...
In The World of Star Trek, David Gerrold opens up dialogue on the people, places, and events that made Star Trek one of the most popular s...
In The World of Star Trek, David Gerrold opens up dialogue on the people, places, and events that made Star Trek one of the most popular series ever. Gerrold discusses what was successful and what wasn't, offering personal interviews with the series' legendary stars and dissecting the trends that developed throughout the seasons.
The complete inside story of what happened behind the scenes of the Star Trek universe, from scriptwriters' memos to special effects and more, The World of Star Trek is the companion all Trekkies need for the most all-encompassing...
In The World of Star Trek, David Gerrold opens up dialogue on the people, places, and events that made Star Trek one of the most popular s...
David Gerrold sits alone in a room and types. This is the only warning you're going to get.
Here are seven little horrors, specifically designed to creep you out in all the strangest ways. From the mundane to the bizarre, this master storyteller will take you to the zone beyond twilight.
SKINFLOWERS - This one is so creepy, we can't even begin to describe it. You'll have to read it yourself.
REX - Have you ever wanted a pet dinosaur? A cute little mini-dino? The T-Rex can be very convenient.
THE SEMINAR FROM HELL - It's all about the marketing,...
David Gerrold sits alone in a room and types. This is the only warning you're going to get.
Stories by: Martin L. Shoemaker, Thomas K. Carpenter, Nancy Kress, George Nikolopoulos, Eric Leif Davin, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, George Eklund, Alex Shvartsman, David Gerrold, Larry Hodges, Michael Swanwick
Serialization: The Long Tomorrow by Leigh Brackett