Es gibt kaum einen literaturtheoretischen Text, der uber Jahrhunderte hin eine solche Autoritat ausgeubt hat wie Aristoteles' kleiner Traktat "Uber die Dichtkunst." Die "Poetik" gilt seit der Renaissance als Text, der einen "neuen," der Welt zugewandeten Aristoteles zeigt, der der Dichtung die Aufgabe zugewiesen habe, die empirische Wirklichkeit selbst nachzuahmen. Dem Dichter war dadurch eine rationale Aufgabe gestellt: Er sollte die Ordnung der Welt erkennen und darstellen. Der Zweifel an der Ordnung und Schonheit der Welt und die so genannte Genieasthetik fuhrten im 18. Jahrhundert zu...
Es gibt kaum einen literaturtheoretischen Text, der uber Jahrhunderte hin eine solche Autoritat ausgeubt hat wie Aristoteles' kleiner Traktat "Uber...
Picture theories are today a subject of broad interest to scholars, for the relationship between concept and picture, between thought and viewing, is among the commonest themes of the history of European thought, and already in Antiquity a multitude of solutions to the problem were discussed. The aim of this book is to elucidate the peculiarity of the relationship between viewing and concept analysed by Plato and Aristotle; to compare the theories of art and poetry initially conceived about 300BC, and which reached full development under the Roman Empire; and to expound modern concepts of...
Picture theories are today a subject of broad interest to scholars, for the relationship between concept and picture, between thought and viewing, ...
Modernity's break with the Middle Ages is distinguished by a comprehensive turn to a world of individual, empirical experience, a turn that was a repudiation of Plato's idea that there is a reality of rationality and intellect. Yet already in the Renaissance it was no longer thought necessary to seriously confront the -old- concept of rationality that emanates from Plato. Arbogast Schmitt's book sets itself this until-now-unfulfilled task, comparing the arguments for a life based on theory and one based on praxis in order to provide a balance sheet of profit and loss. Showing that the...
Modernity's break with the Middle Ages is distinguished by a comprehensive turn to a world of individual, empirical experience, a turn that was a repu...