Research and development of various parallel mechanism applications in engineering are now being performed more and more actively in every industrial field. Parallel robot based machine tools development is considered a key technology of robot applications in manufacturing industries. The material covered here describes the basic theory, approaches, and algorithms in the field of parallel robot based machine tools. In addition families of new alternative mechanical architectures which can be used for machine tools with parallel architecture are introduced. Given equal importance is the...
Research and development of various parallel mechanism applications in engineering are now being performed more and more actively in every industri...
After the fundamental volume and the advanced technique volume, this volume focuses on R applications in the quantitative investment area. Quantitative investment has been hot for some years, and there are more and more startups working on it, combined with many other internet communities and business models. R is widely used in this area, and can be a very powerful tool. The author introduces R applications with cases from his own startup, covering topics like portfolio optimization and risk management.
After the fundamental volume and the advanced technique volume, this volume focuses on R applications in the quantitative investment area. Quantitativ...
This book introduces state-of-the-art technologies in the field of human-robot interactions. It details advances made in this field in recent decades, including dynamics, controls, design analysis, uncertainties, and modelling. The text will appeal to graduate students, practitioners and researchers in the fields of robotics, computer and cognitive science, and mechanical engineering.
This book introduces state-of-the-art technologies in the field of human-robot interactions. It details advances made in this field in recent decades,...