One of the main functions of the state is to fight against the crime. Economic, social, and cultural development of state is inextricably linked to ensuring the safety of citizens of this country. At present, the fight against the environmental crime. The urgency of this problem is beyond doubt. Objective reality indicates that environmental crime is becoming an increasingly dangerous phenomenon: with each the number of registered environmental crimes is growing over the year, new types of environmentally significant criminal behavior appear the damage to the environment, life and health of...
One of the main functions of the state is to fight against the crime. Economic, social, and cultural development of state is inextricably linked to en...
For a long time, human civilization looked at the natural world with point of view of its use to satisfy numerous human needs, and carried out very often to the detriment of nature. We now have the costs of such a worldview in the form of various crises (environmental, demographic, psychological, etc.) to get out of the crises system it is necessary to change the ecological view of society and each individual. Environmental ethics - a new philosophical and activity direction - tries to show how people relate not only to each other, but also to the surrounding nature, and why this type of...
For a long time, human civilization looked at the natural world with point of view of its use to satisfy numerous human needs, and carried out very of...
The biosphere of our planet exists in the form of living organisms and products of their vital activity in the gaseous shell of the Earth. More than75% of the total surface area of the planet is occupied by the water surface. This book studies the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. The book tackle the individual aquatic organisms, their populations and communities, interactions between them and with inanimate nature.Aquatic ecology is a part of geoecology that studies aquatic ecosystems as a set of three interacting components: the aquatic environment, aquatic organisms and...
The biosphere of our planet exists in the form of living organisms and products of their vital activity in the gaseous shell of the Earth. More than75...
Luftverschmutzung hat Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit der Menschen, die in Windrichtung leben. Wenn infolge dieser Verschmutzung Kosten entstehen, werden diese in der Regel von den geschädigten Personen und nicht von der emittierenden Anlage getragen. Die Luftverschmutzung wird sowohl in den Industrieländern als auch in den Entwicklungsländern als eine der höchsten Prioritäten des Umweltschutzes angesehen. In diesem Buch wird eine Schätzung der sozialen Kosten für die durch die Luftverschmutzung verursachten Gesundheitsschäden vorgestellt. Es hilft Entscheidungsträgern, Prioritäten...
Luftverschmutzung hat Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit der Menschen, die in Windrichtung leben. Wenn infolge dieser Verschmutzung Kosten entstehen, wer...
Renewable energy sources are finding ever wider practical application in different countries. The total capacity of renewable energy plants operating in Europe, China, USA, India and other countries, exceeded 700 GW, which is more than 2 times more than the capacity of all nuclear power plants (350 GW), and is about 15% the total capacity of power plants in the world (4.5-5.0 TW). The progress achieved in recent decades in the development of technologies for the efficient use of renewable energy sources has led to a public understanding that without the use of solar energy, wind energy,...
Renewable energy sources are finding ever wider practical application in different countries. The total capacity of renewable energy plants operating ...
Our planet has existed for 4.5 billion years. During this huge time interval, complex physical and chemical processes constantly took place on its surface, life arose, an atmosphere containing oxygen was formed, complexly organized animals and plants developed. All these changes occurred very slowly, stretching over hundreds of millions of years. But against the background of evolutionary processes, catastrophic phenomena also occurred, caused by forces hidden in the depths of the Earth or acting from outer space. To ignore the very fact of the existence and the role of such events in the...
Our planet has existed for 4.5 billion years. During this huge time interval, complex physical and chemical processes constantly took place on its sur...