Since their first industrial use polymers have gained a tremendous success. The two volumes of "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks" elaborate on both their potentials and on the impact on the environment arising from their production and applications. Volume 11 "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks I: General and Environmental Aspects" is dedicated to the basics of the engineering of polymers - always with a view to possible environmental implications. Topics include: materials, processing, designing, surfaces, the utilization phase, recycling, and depositing. Volume 12 "Polymers -...
Since their first industrial use polymers have gained a tremendous success. The two volumes of "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks" elaborate on both ...
Okobilanzen alleine stellen keine geeigneten Instrumente fur die Produkt- und Verfahrensentwicklung dar. Mit der Ganzheitlichen Bilanzierung konnen technische, wirtschaftliche und okologische Kriterien - auch in Systemen wie Verkehr und Energiewirtschaft - fur Entscheidungsprozesse und Vorausberechnungen zusammengefasst berucksichtigt werden. Im Idealfall ergeben sich durch diese "life-cycle-analysis" konstruktive Verbesserungen, Kosteneinsparungen und eine weitergehende Schonung der Umwelt. Fur dieses Buch hat der Herausgeber einen Kreis namhafter Fachleute versammelt, die detailliert und...
Okobilanzen alleine stellen keine geeigneten Instrumente fur die Produkt- und Verfahrensentwicklung dar. Mit der Ganzheitlichen Bilanzierung konnen te...
Since their first industrial use polymers have gained a tremendous success. The two volumes of "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks" elaborate on both their potentials and on the impact on the environment arising from their production and applications. Volume 11 "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks I: General and Environmental Aspects" is dedicated to the basics of the engineering of polymers - always with a view to possible environmental implications. Topics include: materials, processing, designing, surfaces, the utilization phase, recycling, and depositing. Volume 12 "Polymers -...
Since their first industrial use polymers have gained a tremendous success. The two volumes of "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks" elaborate on both ...