Ning Zhong, Jiming Liu, Yiyu Yao, Jinglong Wu, Shengfu Lu, Kuncheng Li
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the First WICI International Workshop on Web Intelligence meets Brain Informatics, WImBI 2006, which was held in Beijing, China, in December 2006. The workshop explores a new perspective of Web Intelligence (WI) research from the viewpoint of Brain Informatics (BI). The 26 revised full-length papers presented together with three introductory lectures have been carefully reviewed and selected.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the First WICI International Workshop on Web Intelligence meets Brain In...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Second International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, RSCTC 2000, held in Banff, Canada in October 2000. The 80 revised papers presented together with an introduction and three keynote presentations have gone through two rounds of reviewing and revision. The papers are organized in topical sections on granual computing, rough sets and systems, fuzzy sets and systems, rough sets and data mining, nonclassical logics and reasoning, pattern recognition and image processing, neural networks and...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Second International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, R...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2001, held in Maebashi City, Japan, in October 2001. The 28 revised full papers and 45 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 153 full-length paper submissions. Also included are an introductory survey and six invited presentations. The book offers topical sections on Web information systems environments and foundations, Web human-media engineering, Web information management, Web information retrieval, Web agents, Web mining and farming, and...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2001, held in Maebashi City, Japan, in Oct...