ISBN-13: 9783540427308 / Angielski / Miękka / 2001 / 620 str.
ISBN-13: 9783540427308 / Angielski / Miękka / 2001 / 620 str.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2001, held in Maebashi City, Japan, in October 2001.
The 28 revised full papers and 45 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 153 full-length paper submissions. Also included are an introductory survey and six invited presentations. The book offers topical sections on Web information systems environments and foundations, Web human-media engineering, Web information management, Web information retrieval, Web agents, Web mining and farming, and Web-based applications.
Web Intelligence (WI) Research Challenges and Trends in the New Information Age.- Invited Talks.- Knowledge is Power: The Semantic Web Vision.- From Computational Intelligence to Web Intelligence: An Ensemble from Potpourri.- Pedagogical Agents for Web-Based Learning.- Ontological Engineering: Foundation of the Next Generation Knowledge Processing.- Social Networks on the Web and in the Enterprise.- 3D Object Recognition and Visualization on the Web.- Web Information System Environment and Foundations.- A Web Proxy Cache Coherency and Replacement Approach.- Content Request Markup Language (CRML): A Distributed Framework for XML-Based Content Publishing.- A Rough Set-Aided System for Sorting WWW Bookmarks.- Average-Clicks: A New Measure of Distance on the World Wide Web.- Autonomy Oriented Load Balancing in Proxy Cache Servers.- Emerging Topic Tracking System.- On Axiomatizing Probabilistic Conditional Independencies in Bayesian Networks.- Dynamic Expert Group Models for Recommender Systems.- The ABC’s of Online Community.- Sufficient Conditions for Well-Behaved Adaptive Hypermedia Systems.- Web Human-Media Engineering.- Towards Formal Specification of Client-Server Interactions for a Wide Range of Internet Applications.- Collecting, Visualizing, and Exchanging Personal Interests and Experiences in Communities.- Audio Content Description in Sound Databases.- Intelligent Interfaces for Distributed Web-Based Product and Service Configuration.- Using Networked Workshop System to Enhance Creative Design.- Discovering seeds of New Interest Spread from Premature Pages Cited by Multiple Communities.- Personalized Web Knowledge Management.- Web Information Management.- Event and Rule Services for Achieving a Web-Based Knowledge Network.- Knowledge-Based Validation, Aggregation, and Visualization of Meta-data: Analyzing a Web-Based Information System.- Online Handwritten Signature Verification for Electronic Commerce over the Internet.- A Data Model for XML Databases.- Conference Information Management System: Towards a Personal Assistant System.- Automatic Intelligence Gathering from the Web: A Case Study in Container Traffic.- The Work Concept RBAC Model for the Access Control of the Distributed Web Server Environment.- A New Conceptual Graph Generated Algorithm for Semi-structured Databases.- Web Information Retrieval.- A Contextual Term Suggestion Mechanism for Interactive Web Search.- 3DGML: A 3-Dimensional Graphic Information Retrieval System.- An Evolutionary Approach to Automatic Web Page Categorization and Updating.- Automatic Web-Page Classification by Using Machine Learning Methods.- A Theory and Approach to Improving Relevance Ranking in Web Retrieval.- A Fast Image-Gathering System on the World-Wide Web Using a PC Cluster.- MELISSA: Mobile Electronic LSA Internet Server Search Agent.- Construction of a Fuzzy Multilingual Thesaurus and Its Application to Cross-Lingual Text Retrieval.- Declustering Web Content Indices for Parallel Information Retrieval.- Indexing a Web Site to Highlight Its Content.- Using Implicit Relevance Feedback in a Web Search Assistant.- The Development and Evaluation of an Integrated Imagery Access Engine.- Conceptual Information Extraction with Link-Based Search.- World Wide Web — A Multilingual Language Resource.- Query by History Tree Manipulation.- Web-Based Information Retrieval Using Agent and Ontology.- Content-Based Sound Retrieval for Web Application.- Web Agents.- Collaborative Filtering Using Principal Component Analysis and Fuzzy Clustering.- iJADE IWShopper: A New Age of Intelligent Mobile Web Shopping System Based on Fuzzy-Neuro Agent Technology.- Wireless Agent Guidance of Remote Mobile Robots: Rough Integral Approach to Sensor Signal Analysis.- Ontology-Based Information Gathering Agents.- An Effective Conversational Agent with User Modeling Based on Bayesian Network.- Information Fusion for Intelligent Agent-Based Information Gathering.- An Adaptive Recommendation System with a Coordinator Agent.- Interactive Web Page Filtering with Relational Learning.- A Fuzzy Rule-Based Agent for Web Retrieval-Filtering.- Web Mining and Farming.- Implementation Issues and Paradigms of Visual KDD Systems.- Re-Engineering Approach to Build Domain Ontologies.- Discovery of Emerging Topics Between Communities on WWW.- Mining Web Logs to Improve Web Caching and Prefetching.- Mining Crawled Data and Visualizing Discovered Knowledge.- Categorizing Visitors Dynamically by Fast and Robust Clustering of Access Logs.- Online Learning for Web Query Generation: Finding Documents Matching a Minority Concept on the Web.- A Formal Ontology Discovery from Web Documents.- The Variable Precision Rough Set Model for Web Usage Mining.- Supporting Cooperative Consensus Formation via Ontologies.- Web-Based Applications.- Web-Based Intelligent Call Center for an Intensive Care Unit.- Electronic Homework on the WWW.- The Shopping Gate — Enabling Role- and Preference- Specific E-commerce Shopping Experiences.- Building Reusable and Adaptable Web-Based Courses.- Group Learning Support System for Software Engineering Education— Web-Based Collaboration Support Between the Teacher Side and the Student Groups—.- The Intelligent Electronic Shopping System Based on Bayesian Customer Modeling.- Leveraging a Web-Aware Self-Organization Map Tool for Clustering and Visualization.- Experiencing NetPeas: Another Qay of Learning.- ITMS: Individualized Teaching Material System— Web-Based Exploratory Learning Support System by Adaptive Knowledge Integration—.- An Intelligent Sales Assistant for Configurable Products.- Reconciling of Disagreeing Data in Web-Based Distributed Systems Using Consensus Methods.- Web Based Digital Resource Library Tracing Author’s Quotation.
Ning Zhong is currently head of Knowledge Information Systems Laboratory, and a professor in Department of Systems and Information Engineering, Graduate School, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan. He is also CEO of Web Intelligence Laboratory, Inc., a new type of venture intelligent IT business company. Before moving to Maebashi Institute of Technology, he was an associate professor in Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Yamaguchi University, Japan. He is also a guest professor of Beijing University of Technology since 1998. He is the co-founder and co-chair of Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC), vice chair of the executive committee of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computational Intelligence (TCCI), the advisory board of ACM SIGART, steering committee of IEEE International Conferences on Data Mining (ICDM), the advisory board of International Rough Set Society, steering committee of Pacific-Asia Conferences on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), coordinator and member of advisory board of a Special Interest Group on Granular Computing in Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC/SIG-GrC). Dr. Jiming Liu is the Head of Computer Science Department at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). He leads the AAMAS/AOC Research Group (i.e., Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems / Autonomy-Oriented Computing) at HKBU. He holds a B.Sc. degree in Physics from East China Normal University in Shanghai, an M.A. degree in Educational Technology from Concordia University in Montreal, and an M.Eng. and a Ph.D. degrees both in Electrical Engineering from McGill University in Montreal. In Feb.-July 1999, Dr. Liu was an invited Visiting Scholar in Computer Science Department, Stanford University, where he was associated with the AI & Robotics Laboratory and taught advanced graduate classes on topics related to Robot Learning, Neural Robots, and Evolutionary Robotics. He is Guest Professor at University of Science and Technology of China, East China Normal University (Software Engineering Institute), and Beijing University of Technology, as well as Adjunct Fellow at E-Business Technology Institute (ETI - a joint partnership institute between IBM and University of Hong Kong). Dr. Liu is the co-founder of Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC), an international organization dedicated to promoting world-wide scientific research and industrial development in the era of Web and agent Intelligence. He has founded andserved, or is serving, as Program, Conference, Workshop, and General Chairs for several international conferences and workshops, including The IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI) series and The IEEE/WIC International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT) series, and is presently serving as the Senior Program Committee Member, Program Committee Member, and Steering/Planning Committee Member for many major international conferences.
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