Enakshi Sengupta (Independent Researcher and Scholar, Afghanistan), Patrick Blessinger (St. John’s University, USA), Tai
The world’s leading international agencies are promoting and stimulating the intellectual debate towards incorporating sustainability in main stream education with the help of thought leaders. This volume highlights innovative pedagogy, discusses the learning methods which can help us to address the world’s current sustainability challenges, and offers solutions to meet these. The case studies featured, offering international insight from Malaysia to Australia, discuss curriculum development and integrating sustainability within the core philosophy of the university. The authors explore...
The world’s leading international agencies are promoting and stimulating the intellectual debate towards incorporating sustainability in main stream...
Enakshi Sengupta (Independent Researcher and Scholar, Afghanistan), Patrick Blessinger (St. John’s University, USA), Cra
In keeping with the phenomena of globalization and privatization of education institutions and the ever-growing competition in the higher education industry, many higher education institutions are adopting a corporate approach in the changing face of the industry. Institutions are discovering the importance of corporate image, identity, and reputation and the use of corporate social responsibility as a reputation and an advantage building strategy. These strategies are helping the university to move beyond the classroom and to establish deeper relationships with society and to work...
In keeping with the phenomena of globalization and privatization of education institutions and the ever-growing competition in the higher education in...
Enakshi Sengupta (Independent Researcher and Scholar, Afghanistan), Patrick Blessinger (St. John’s University, USA), Cra
The role of universities is not only restricted to knowledge exchange, higher education institutions also play a leading role in the development of society, and should engage as active members of their local communities. This book provides empirical evidence on how some universities have shifted social responsibility to be one of their primary focuses, and have engaged with society to enhance their values. The authors present international case studies, from Indonesia to the UK, that examine community engagement, inequality, university-corporate partnerships, philanthropy, and sustainable...
The role of universities is not only restricted to knowledge exchange, higher education institutions also play a leading role in the development of s...
Enakshi Sengupta (Independent Researcher and Scholar, Afghanistan), Patrick Blessinger (St. John’s University, USA), Man
Humanistic education developed several decades ago as a reaction to unhealthy environment and exposure to detrimental condition in education. This book has authors from across the globe writing about theories concerning humanizing of pedagogy, exploring the impact of service learning among undergraduates and emphasizing the development of responsibility and to promote critical thinking, through pedagogical appropriate interventions. The intention of this book is to contribute to an understanding of an educational shift that is prevalent in our society toward creating humanizing conditions...
Humanistic education developed several decades ago as a reaction to unhealthy environment and exposure to detrimental condition in education. This boo...
Enakshi Sengupta (Independent Researcher and Scholar, Afghanistan), Patrick Blessinger (St. John’s University, USA), Mil
How can a library engage students and pro-actively create information literacy? What impact might that have? These vital questions are addressed, at an international level, in this timely new book. Delving into various real-life case studies of interventions in colleges and universities from Canada to India, the chapters in this edited collection showcase relevant examples of efforts to improve engagement with library resources. The authors highlight instances of specifically designed student-centered workshops, a university partnership with a writing center, the role of a library in Africa...
How can a library engage students and pro-actively create information literacy? What impact might that have? These vital questions are addressed, at a...
Enakshi Sengupta (Independent Researcher and Scholar, Afghanistan), Patrick Blessinger (St. John’s University, USA), Mil
Modern academic libraries must respond not only to pedagogical changes, but to technological changes. Accommodating advances in technology into library space, design, and management is a critical challenge. How can modern libraries successfully integrate traditional learnings forms with digital ones? This book presents case studies and empirical evidence which focus on the current landscape and future potential posed by the changing face of libraries. Readers are invited to learn how the re-modelling and new architectural design of existing libraries can revitalise the library space and...
Modern academic libraries must respond not only to pedagogical changes, but to technological changes. Accommodating advances in technology into librar...
Enakshi Sengupta (Independent Researcher and Scholar, Afghanistan), Patrick Blessinger (St. John’s University, USA), Man
The debate around how to maximize the use of technology in education is ongoing, and embedded in the argument that successful inculcation of knowledge cannot happen only by improving the curriculum. But what role does technology play in humanizing higher education? How can it facilitate the kind of all-round development, beyond the classroom, which allows students to create a positive impact on social welfare and community wellbeing? The authors of this volume address the humaneness that surrounds the world of technology in education. By highlighting the use of emerging technologies in...
The debate around how to maximize the use of technology in education is ongoing, and embedded in the argument that successful inculcation of knowledge...
Enakshi Sengupta (Independent Researcher and Scholar, Afghanistan), Patrick Blessinger (St. John’s University, USA)
In the 21st century global knowledge economy, research based universities occupy prime position, and have multiple roles to play beyond teaching, learning and supporting the academic achievements of students. Offering an international perspective, this book demonstrates how these emerging trends are being viewed across different countries with a broad range of completely diverse socio-cultural backgrounds. The authors explore the contribution of universities towards the advancement of global science and scholarship in countries like Turkey, Kosovo, Latin America and US. Delving into new...
In the 21st century global knowledge economy, research based universities occupy prime position, and have multiple roles to play beyond teaching, lear...
Patrick Blessinger (St. John’s University, USA), Enakshi Sengupta (Independent Researcher and Scholar, Afghanistan), Man
Educational pedagogy refers to student-centered learning that provides meaningful engagement to directly enhance critical thinking and creativity. This edited collection equips readers to understand and implement impactful creative teaching and learning methods designed to act as a catalyst to improve the learning experiences of students. Diving into various case studies and interventions that have put innovative techniques into action, this book analyses how teaching-learning methods and student engagement can be significantly improved. The authors demonstrate that education does not only...
Educational pedagogy refers to student-centered learning that provides meaningful engagement to directly enhance critical thinking and creativity. Thi...
Enakshi Sengupta (Independent Researcher and Scholar, Afghanistan), Patrick Blessinger (St. John’s University, USA), Man
Humanizing education, which successfully instils values that support inclusivity and equality, should be built around cultural context and experiences derived from the work of researchers and academics. This book reviews work conducted by academics globally to uncover the strategies and tools designed to facilitate better learning and integration of inclusivity. The authors make the engaging argument that social justice education and inclusion should be an inherent part of the curriculum. Case studies from Africa to the USA and UK are showcased to demonstrate effective examples, from...
Humanizing education, which successfully instils values that support inclusivity and equality, should be built around cultural context and experiences...