Elderly persons are more vulnerable to depression. We conducted this study to estimate the prevalence of depression, and to study the association of depression with demographic and clinical variables among elderly persons in a rural community. The aim of the study is to assess the depression in geriatric patients using geriatric depression scale: short form (GDS: SF -15) and to find whether psycho social factors, demographic factors, lifestyle factors, socioeconomic factors are associated with depression, also to assess the level of social support in relation to depression.The study was...
Elderly persons are more vulnerable to depression. We conducted this study to estimate the prevalence of depression, and to study the association of d...
Superporous hydrogels (SPHs) were developed to retain the drug in the gastric medium. These systems swell very rapidly in the stomach and preserve their integrity for a longer time even in the acidic environment of the stomach while releasing the pharmaceutically active ingredient. The present work focuses on the concept of the development of superporous hydrogel tablets of Clarithromycin, and their comparativeness to the marketed delayed-release dosage forms. The aim of this study was to prepare a gastroretentive dosage form based on SPH using Clarithromycin, as an ideal drug for swelling &...
Superporous hydrogels (SPHs) were developed to retain the drug in the gastric medium. These systems swell very rapidly in the stomach and preserve the...
L'objectif de la présente étude était de développer des billes d'alginate flottantes de chlorhydrate de propranolol pour une utilisation orale dans le but de traiter l'hypertension. Le propranolol est retenu dans l'estomac pendant une période prolongée. Le médicament est stable et facilement absorbable en milieu acide. Sa demi-vie d'élimination est d'environ 3 à 6 heures et sa biodisponibilité atteint 25 %. Parmi les différentes approches permettant d'obtenir un temps de rétention gastrique, le système d'administration de médicaments flottant dans l'estomac est l'une des...
L'objectif de la présente étude était de développer des billes d'alginate flottantes de chlorhydrate de propranolol pour une utilisation orale dan...
Diese Panelstudie wurde an 100 Brustkrebspatientinnen durchgeführt, die verschiedene Arten von Chemotherapie erhielten. Die Lebensqualität (QOL) der Patientinnen zu Beginn und bei der Nachuntersuchung wurde mit dem EORTC QLQ BR23 als Teil der humanistischen Ergebnisse gemessen, und die unerwünschten Arzneimittelwirkungen wurden bei jeder Therapie als Teil der klinischen Ergebnisse gemessen. Die mittlere Differenz der Werte der Domänen zwischen Ausgangswert und Nachuntersuchung wurde mit einem gepaarten t-Test berechnet. Die Auswirkung verschiedener Prädiktorvariablen wie Alter,...
Diese Panelstudie wurde an 100 Brustkrebspatientinnen durchgeführt, die verschiedene Arten von Chemotherapie erhielten. Die Lebensqualität (QOL) der...
This Panel study was carried out on 100 breast cancer patients receiving different types of chemotherapy. The Quality of Life (QOL) of the patients on baseline and follow-up was measured using EORTC QLQ BR23 as part of humanistic outcomes and the adverse drug reactions are measured with each therapy as part of clinical outcomes. The mean difference of values of domains between baseline and follow-up was calculated using paired t-test. The effect of various predictor variables like age, socioeconomic status, stage, diagnosis, chemo cycle, grade of tumor etc on each domain was calculated using...
This Panel study was carried out on 100 breast cancer patients receiving different types of chemotherapy. The Quality of Life (QOL) of the patients on...
Itraconazole is a triazole and exerts its fungi static effect by inducing ergosterol deficiency. It possesses a broad spectrum of activity against fungi, including Aspergillus and Dermatophytes. It wasn't approved by FDA for any indication in children. However, a few studies have shown itraconazole is efficacious as terbinafine and griseofulvin in children with tinea capitis. It is contraindicated in patients with congestive heart failure. This antifungal agent works by altering the cellular membranes of fungi, increasing membrane permeability, and allowing cellular content leakage and...
Itraconazole is a triazole and exerts its fungi static effect by inducing ergosterol deficiency. It possesses a broad spectrum of activity against fun...
Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, schwimmende Alginatkügelchen mit Propranolol-Hydrochlorid für die orale Anwendung zu entwickeln, um Bluthochdruck zu behandeln. Propranolol wird über einen längeren Zeitraum im Magen gehalten. Das Medikament ist in saurem Milieu stabil und leicht resorbierbar. Seine Eliminationshalbwertszeit beträgt etwa 3-6 Stunden und seine Bioverfügbarkeit liegt bei bis zu 25 %. Unter den verschiedenen Ansätzen zur Erzielung einer Verweildauer im Magen ist das System zur schwimmenden Verabreichung von Arzneimitteln ein Ansatz, der ausgewählt wurde, um das...
Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, schwimmende Alginatkügelchen mit Propranolol-Hydrochlorid für die orale Anwendung zu entwickeln, um Bluthochdru...
Risk outweighs benefits in potentially inappropriate prescriptions (PIP). Beer's criteria and STOPPs criteria are used to evaluate potentially inappropriate prescriptions (PIP) in geriatrics. The aim is to evaluate the inappropriate prescribing pattern in elderly patients by using BEER'S Criteria and STOPP Criteria thereby assessing the functional decline status by using the Kartz index. The study was designed as a cross-sectional study conducted in vims hospital. 275 patients who have undergone treatment in various departments of age 65 and above are included. A simple random sampling...
Risk outweighs benefits in potentially inappropriate prescriptions (PIP). Beer's criteria and STOPPs criteria are used to evaluate potentially inappro...