Innovation habitats are innovative enterprises formed by the concentration of a set of organizations, presenting, as a competitive advantage, the physical proximity to other companies and institutions, in particular universities and research centers, thus expanding the possibilities of establishing synergies. One can observe the existence of several nomenclatures of habitats, ranging from Smart Cities and Technology Parks, to pre-incubators. These environments are spaces for collective learning, exchange of knowledge and productive practices, of interaction between the various innovation...
Innovation habitats are innovative enterprises formed by the concentration of a set of organizations, presenting, as a competitive advantage, the phys...
It is important that organizations develop a posture towards knowledge and highlight in their principles, philosophy, employee profiles, infrastructure, and organizational structure, ways to maximize the process of creating, acquiring, storing, processing, and mainly, disseminating and using this knowledge. This can only be achieved through effective Knowledge Management. As such, this book explores what companies have been doing to extract and utilize the unrealized potential of their intangible assets. It addresses how organizations are creating, sharing, and disseminating knowledge in...
It is important that organizations develop a posture towards knowledge and highlight in their principles, philosophy, employee profiles, infrastructur...