Castro Vargas, Daniel Jesús, Camacho Delgado, Freddy Manuel, Rios-Campos, Carlos
This work was based on an analysis using the line of market research in the bakery company generated in the community of Jaén, which has been in the market for 17 years. During this time it has achieved a sustainable growth according to the information provided by its directors. They state that the company already has an image and reputation in the city of Jaén and not only in this if not in the province in general, but due to the lack of research they can not know what is this image and reputation earned, because the answer or information is not inside the company, if not outside in the...
This work was based on an analysis using the line of market research in the bakery company generated in the community of Jaén, which has been in the ...
Castro Vargas, Daniel Jesús, Camacho Delgado, Freddy Manuel, Rios-Campos, Carlos
La base de ce travail a été de réaliser une analyse en utilisant la ligne d'étude de marché dans l'entreprise de boulangerie générée dans la communauté de Jaén, qui est sur le marché depuis 17 ans. Au cours de cette période, elle a atteint une croissance durable, selon les informations fournies par ses administrateurs. Ils affirment que l'entreprise a déjà une image et une réputation dans la ville de Jaén et non seulement à Jaén mais aussi dans la province en général, mais en raison du manque de recherche ils ne peuvent pas savoir ce qu'est cette image et cette...
La base de ce travail a été de réaliser une analyse en utilisant la ligne d'étude de marché dans l'entreprise de boulangerie générée dans la c...
During the pandemic, traditional education has been challenged and new forms of interaction between students and teachers have emerged. The general objective of this research was to analyze Information and Communication Technologies and Connectivism.Consequently, it is estimated that the international community demands educational actions where students acquire knowledge and skills for the improvement of their digital competence (Valverde, 2018).
During the pandemic, traditional education has been challenged and new forms of interaction between students and teachers have emerged. The general ob...