Zuerst traute ich meinen Augen nicht und dachte, es sei nur ein weggeworfenes, leeres Bonbonpapier.
Jedes Mal schaute uns ein genervter Erwachsener mahnen an und legte seinen Finger senkrecht auf den Mund und machte zischend. "Psssst" "Was brauchst du?
Auf meinem Zettel stand Backpulver, Hefe und Margarine. Die schönen roten Schaumkirschen im Süßigkeitenglas auf der Theke lachten mich auch noch an. Die Verlockung war zu groß.
Das alte Gebäude wurde abgerissen. Bagger hoben nach dem Abriss eine Baugrube aus. Unser altes...
Einige Beiträge:
Die Welt ist voll, voll von Angeboten.
Zuerst traute ich meinen Augen nicht und dachte, es sei nur ein weggeworfe...
After about two hours he was successfully back from his important mission.I immediately put on an English record.The number of girls had meanwhile increased to around 15.However, we couldn't really motivate them all to join in the dance.But then I put on "je'taim".As if by a miracle, all the girls were immediately asked to join in the dance.As soon as an English song has been played, all the girls sit down again.So we decided to hang up "je taim" all evening until midnight.Smoke rose from the cornfieldOne Sunday afternoon we boys bought a pack of White Owl cigars.We wanted to know what...
After about two hours he was successfully back from his important mission.I immediately put on an English record.The number of girls had meanwhile inc...
Stones laid on the tracks Police operation It was a dull late afternoon. Our village boys had the idea to put stones on the tracks. Besides my twin brother, I was the youngest who had been there. We were definitely 10 or 12 children who were there. The first freight train was already arriving. A steam locomotive, heavily laden, pulled a train that was, for me, a kilometer-long train behind it. The railway wheels rolled over the stones that the greats had placed on the tracks without any problems. The gatekeeper observed our activities from his guard house and informed the police station in...
Stones laid on the tracks Police operation It was a dull late afternoon. Our village boys had the idea to put stones on the tracks. Besides my...
What does your aunt look like anyway? is she very conceited? When was the last time you saw each other in Augsfeld? No, when she visited us two years ago she looked very modest and she just looks pretty. Ultimately, the two of them bought a train ticket to Nuremberg at the train station in Haßfurt. When they arrived in Nuremberg, they were amazed at the beautiful city. They marched along the city wall in the direction of Lorenzkirche and soon found Aunt Erna's and her husband's grocery store. The busy tram traffic amazed the two villagers. Then there were the many people on the cobbled...
What does your aunt look like anyway? is she very conceited? When was the last time you saw each other in Augsfeld? No, when she visited us two ye...
16 ans jeune, assez heureux et vivant pour vivre la vie un peu imprudemment. Nous portions un jean bleu Levis. Mon excitation a augmenté rapidement car c'était une journée agréablement chaude. Mon nouveau pantalon et mon T-shirt Che Guevara soufflaient dans le vent. Maintenant, il m'est venu à l'esprit que j'avais trop peu de carburant dans le réservoir. Je conduisais déjà sur la réserve. J'ai donc conduit mon cyclomoteur Herkules K 50 au-dessus de Kleinaugsfeld pour faire le plein à la station-service de Bendel. Une fois que le réservoir du cyclomoteur était de nouveau plein,...
16 ans jeune, assez heureux et vivant pour vivre la vie un peu imprudemment. Nous portions un jean bleu Levis. Mon excitation a augmenté rapi...
Een paar dagen met oom Alois Zeil was voor mij als kind een iets andere wereld. Wij in Augsfeld spraken Nederfrankisch. Acht km verder in de richting van Bamberg wordt al Opper-Frankisch gesproken. In Augsfeld gaan de kleine kinderen naar de kleuterschool. In Zeil worden de kleintjes naar de instelling gestuurd. Oom Karl at kruimelige croissants als ontbijt. Toen ik tijdens mijn bezoek aan oom Alois zei dat er croissants waren als ontbijt, vroeg hij tante Adelheid om ook croissants bij de bakkerij te halen. Vier het zuiden van de hoge Wann Het is meestal erg krap als dertig of veertig mensen...
Een paar dagen met oom Alois Zeil was voor mij als kind een iets andere wereld. Wij in Augsfeld spraken Nederfrankisch. Acht km verder in ...
Die naam Melitta staan in Duitsland bekend as Melitta Coffee Filter.Die filterpapier is uitgevind deur Melitta Bentz (1873-1950).Daardie koffiegronde in die bekers en bekers het haar laat nadink.In 1908 het sy met die regte oplossing vorendag gekom. Sy het gate in die onderkant van 'n koperpot geslaan en vlekpapier daarop gesit.Melitta Bentz het die uitvinding by die patentkantoor in Berlyn geregistreer en in dieselfde jaar stig sy die maatskappy "Melitta".Ons is selfs 'n valskermspring verskuldig aan 'n vrou.Katharina Paulus (1868-1935) ontwikkel un d 1914 die valskermpakket.Sy vou die...
Die naam Melitta staan in Duitsland bekend as Melitta Coffee Filter.Die filterpapier is uitgevind deur Melitta Bentz (1873-1950).Daardie koffiegronde ...
16 anos jovem, feliz e animada o suficiente para passar pela vida um pouco imprudentemente. Usávamos jeans Levi's. Minha empolgação aumentou rapidamente, já que era um dia confortavelmente quente. Minhas calças novas e minha camiseta do Che Guevara balançavam com o vento. Agora me ocorreu que eu tinha muito pouco combustível no tanque. Eu já estava dirigindo na reserva. Então dirigi minha motocicleta Herkules K 50 sobre Kleinaugsfeld para abastecer no posto de gasolina Bendel. Depois que o tanque da motoneta ficou cheio novamente, acelerei para ir para casa.
Mas hoje muito foi...
16 anos jovem, feliz e animada o suficiente para passar pela vida um pouco imprudentemente. Usávamos jeans Levi's. Minha empolgação aumento...
Benzina per mietitrebbiatrici estere Quando alcuni di noi ragazzi iniziarono ad amare sempre di più i ciclomotori, è successo che abbiamo finito il carburante. Nella stagione del raccolto, al termine del lavoro, ogni sera a Katzensee c'era una mietitrebbia. La mietitrebbia era un piccolo modello John Deere con motore a benzina. Il serbatoio del carburante era sul lato che passavamo spesso. La tentazione era troppo grande per non resistere. Siegbert aveva con sé un tubo della benzina e una tanica vuota. Il coperchio del serbatoio era molto facile da aprire. Il tubo è stato inserito e...
Benzina per mietitrebbiatrici estere Quando alcuni di noi ragazzi iniziarono ad amare sempre di più i ciclomotori, è successo che abbiamo finito...