Demineralization starts at the enamel surface as it is the most mineralized tissue of the tooth White-spot lesions are the earliest macroscopic evidence of caries particularly enamel caries. The majority of demineralization in white-spot lesions occurs in the subsurface region of enamel.Typically the enamel surface layer stays intact during subsurface demineralization, but if no treatment is done at that stage it eventually collapse into a cavitated lesion which reduces the chances of remineralization drastically.Thus early diagnosis of dental caries is of paramount important. If we are able...
Demineralization starts at the enamel surface as it is the most mineralized tissue of the tooth White-spot lesions are the earliest macroscopic eviden...
Die Ästhetik ist im heutigen Szenario von größter Bedeutung. Komposit-Restaurationen sind zahnfarbene Restaurationsmaterialien, die zu einer besseren Ästhetik führen, weniger Zeit am Behandlungsstuhl benötigen und wirtschaftlich und für den Patienten zufriedenstellend sind - ein Segen für die restaurative Zahnmedizin, die die Zahnfarbe nachahmt. Diese Materialien sind unter verschiedenen Handelsnamen erhältlich und werden dort eingesetzt, wo die Ästhetik von größter Bedeutung ist.
Die Ästhetik ist im heutigen Szenario von größter Bedeutung. Komposit-Restaurationen sind zahnfarbene Restaurationsmaterialien, die zu einer besser...
The medical literature provides some insight into the benefits of an anticipatory guidance program. Parents are extremely satisfied with the interaction fostered by this approach. Additionally, they enjoy the functional approach to education that deals with specific events in their own family. It may be this communication about a vital interest that makes the process so successful. Pediatric dentists have seen a dramatic increase in their market share of children's dental care, and some of this can be attributed to their tendency to see children much earlier and thus capture parents' interest...
The medical literature provides some insight into the benefits of an anticipatory guidance program. Parents are extremely satisfied with the interacti...
L'instrumentation rotative a fait un bond en avant dans le domaine de l'endodontie. Elle a considérablement augmenté l'efficacité des services dentaires rendus, en rendant l'endodontie plus rapide, meilleure et plus facile. L'utilisation de l'instrumentation rotative pour les pulpectomies des dents primaires s'est avérée rentable, plus rapide et a permis d'obtenir des remplissages uniformes et prévisibles. Le domaine de l'endodontie en dentisterie pédiatrique est en constante évolution, mais il est important de se rappeler que les principes de base et la philosophie de l'endodontie...
L'instrumentation rotative a fait un bond en avant dans le domaine de l'endodontie. Elle a considérablement augmenté l'efficacité des services dent...
Prolonged caries in primary teeth eventually leads to extensive pulpal damage due to the bacterial invasion & their derived toxins, which makes endodontic treatment inevitable. Pulp therapy was advised in 1932 that aims to preserve the child's health and to maintain deciduous teeth in a functional state until they are replaced by permanent teeth treatment of primary teeth is considered highly complicated. So in order to increase chances of success, treatment necessitates combination of diversity of factors, such as a precise diagnosis, thorough cleaning and shaping and disinfection with the...
Prolonged caries in primary teeth eventually leads to extensive pulpal damage due to the bacterial invasion & their derived toxins, which makes endodo...