The idea of editing the present volume in the Lecture Notes in Physics series arosewhileorganizingthe ConferenceonIrreversibleQuantumDynamics that took place at The Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, from July 29 to August 2, 2002. The aim of the Conference was to bring together di?erent groups of - searcherswhoseinterestsandpursuitsinvolveirreversibilityandtimeasymmetry in quantum mechanics. The Conference promoted open and in-depth exchanges of di?erent points of view, concerning both the content and character of qu- tum irreversibility and the...
The idea of editing the present volume in the Lecture Notes in Physics series arosewhileorganizingthe ConferenceonIrreversibleQuantumDynamics that too...
This second edition of Dynamics, Information and Complexity in Quantum Systems widens its scope by focussing more on the dynamics of quantum correlations and information in microscopic and mesoscopic systems, and their use for metrological and machine learning purposes. The book is divided into three parts:
This second edition of Dynamics, Information and Complexity in Quantum Systems widens its scope by focussing more on the dynamics of quantum correlations and information in microscopic and mesoscopic systems, and their use for metrological and machine learning purposes. The book is divided into three parts: