Enter the reflective world of Wurruk (earth/story), a bullum (dual) memoir of the lives of bullum (two) tallumart (young men) as told by Vaughan Nikitin - in relation to his aboriginal yunki (mate) and brogan (brother), Tommy Hinkins: together, this is their self-portrait. Share their search for identity in this journey through space, time and the unforgotten language of their ancestors (the legends of the kurnai and mountain cattlemen). Wurruk is one man's attempt to reconcile with (his) place by way of a part real, part imagined memoir. The author juxtaposes his own story with that of his...
Enter the reflective world of Wurruk (earth/story), a bullum (dual) memoir of the lives of bullum (two) tallumart (young men) as told by Vaughan Nikit...