Finite model theory is an area of mathematical logic that grew out of computer science applications. The main sources of motivational examples for finite model theory are found in database theory, computational complexity, and formal languages, although in recent years connections with other areas, such as formal methods and verification, and artificial intelligence, have been discovered. The birth of finite model theory is often identified with Trakhtenbrot's result from 1950 stating that validity over finite models is not recursively enumerable; in other words, completeness fails over...
Finite model theory is an area of mathematical logic that grew out of computer science applications. The main sources of motivational examples for fin...
Finite model theory is an area of mathematical logic that grew out of computer science applications. The main sources of motivational examples for finite model theory are found in database theory, computational complexity, and formal languages, although in recent years connections with other areas, such as formal methods and verification, and artificial intelligence, have been discovered. The birth of finite model theory is often identified with Trakhtenbrot's result from 1950 stating that validity over finite models is not recursively enumerable; in other words, completeness fails over...
Finite model theory is an area of mathematical logic that grew out of computer science applications. The main sources of motivational examples for fin...
Val Tannen, Limsoon Wong, Leonid Libkin, Wenfei Fan, Wang-Chiew Tan, Michael Fourman
This Festschrift volume, published in honour of Peter Buneman, contains contributions written by some of his colleagues, former students, and friends. In celebration of his distinguished career a colloquium was held in Edinburgh, Scotland, 27-29 October, 2013. The articles presented herein belong to some of the many areas of Peter's research interests.
This Festschrift volume, published in honour of Peter Buneman, contains contributions written by some of his colleagues, former students, and friends....
Erich Grädel, Phokion G. Kolaitis, Leonid Libkin, Maarten Marx, Joel Spencer, Moshe Y. Vardi, Yde Venema, Scott Weinstei
Finite model theory, as understoodhere, is an areaof mathematicallogic that has developed in close connection with applications to computer science, in particular the theory of computational complexity and database theory. One of the fundamental insights of mathematical logic is that our understanding of mathematical phenomena is enriched by elevating the languages we use to describe mathematical structures to objects of explicit study. If mathematics is the science of patterns, then the media through which we discern patterns, as well as the structures in which we discern them, command our...
Finite model theory, as understoodhere, is an areaof mathematicallogic that has developed in close connection with applications to computer science, i...
Data exchange is the problem of finding an instance of a target schema, given an instance of a source schema and a specification of the relationship between the source and the target. Such a target instance should correctly represent information from the source instance under the constraints imposed by the target schema, and it should allow one to evaluate queries on the target instance in a way that is semantically consistent with the source data. Data exchange is an old problem that re-emerged as an active research topic recently, due to the increased need for exchange of data in various...
Data exchange is the problem of finding an instance of a target schema, given an instance of a source schema and a specification of the relationship b...