The first guide to Gaelic fiction - covering the full expanse of the canonTracing the history of Gaelic fiction over the last century, Moray Watson looks at the work of well-known authors such as Iain Moireach, Tormod Caimbeul and Iain Mac a' Ghobhainn, as well as lesser-known authors, and focuses on the major developments that have led to the recent flourishing in Gaelic fiction publishing. Watson examines novels and novellas from Dun-Aluinn to Dileas Donn and Shrapnel, alongside short story collections, uncollected fiction and short fiction from magazines such as Gairm. The final chapters...
The first guide to Gaelic fiction - covering the full expanse of the canonTracing the history of Gaelic fiction over the last century, Moray Watson lo...
'S e ainm-pinn a th' ann an Lewis Carroll: b' e Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ainm ceart an ughdair agus bha e na oraidiche le Matamataig ann an Colaiste Chriosd, an Oilthigh Ath nan Damh. Thoisich Dodgson an sgeulachd air a' 4mh latha den Iuchar 1862, nuair a chaidh e sgriob ann am bata-raimh air an abhainn Thames ann an Ath nan Damh comhla ris an Urramach Robinson Duckworth, comhla ri Alice Liddell (a bha deich bliadhna a dh'aois) an nighean aig Deathain Cholaiste Chriosd, agus comhla ris an dithis pheathraichean aice, Lorina (a bha tri bliadhna deug), agus Edith (a bha ochd bliadhna a dh'aois)....
'S e ainm-pinn a th' ann an Lewis Carroll: b' e Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ainm ceart an ughdair agus bha e na oraidiche le Matamataig ann an Colaiste C...
The first guide to Gaelic fiction - covering the full expanse of the canonTracing the history of Gaelic fiction over the last century, Moray Watson looks at the work of well-known authors such as Iain Moireach, Tormod Caimbeul and Iain Mac a' Ghobhainn, as well as lesser-known authors, and focuses on the major developments that have led to the recent flourishing in Gaelic fiction publishing. Watson examines novels and novellas from Dun-Aluinn to Dileas Donn and Shrapnel, alongside short story collections, uncollected fiction and short fiction from magazines such as Gairm. The final chapters...
The first guide to Gaelic fiction - covering the full expanse of the canonTracing the history of Gaelic fiction over the last century, Moray Watson lo...