La canne à sucre, une culture agro-industrielle, est une composante importante de l'agriculture. Elle occupe une place importante dans l'économie en contribuant à près de 1,9 % du PIB national. La canne à sucre est cultivée sur plus de 4,83 millions d'hectares répartis sur un large éventail de situations agro-écologiques, à la fois dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales. L'irrigation excessive, le mauvais drainage et l'utilisation luxuriante d'engrais ont entraîné la conversion de grandes zones fertiles en terres salines. La salinité est une contrainte majeure dans la...
La canne à sucre, une culture agro-industrielle, est une composante importante de l'agriculture. Elle occupe une place importante dans l'économie en...
Sugarcane, an Agro-industrial crop, is an important integral component of agriculture. It assumes an important position in the economy by contributing nearly 1.9 per cent of the National GDP. Sugarcane is cultivated in over 4.83 million hectares spread over a wide range of agro-ecological situations, both in tropical and sub-tropical regions. The excessive irrigation, poor drainage and luxuriant use of fertilizers have resulted in conversion of large fertile areas into saline lands. Salinity is major constraint in sugarcane productivity affecting germination, tillering, growth, yield and...
Sugarcane, an Agro-industrial crop, is an important integral component of agriculture. It assumes an important position in the economy by contributing...
Maize (Zea mays L.; 2n = 20) is a new world coarse cereal belonging to the family Poaceae and tribe Maydeae. Maize is known as the "queen of cereals" due to its highest productivity among the cereals followed by rice and wheat. Maize grain contains about 70 per cent starch, 9 percent protein, 2 per cent sugar, 4 per cent oil. In India, maize is grown in both kharif and rabi seasons with a share of 85 per cent and 15 percent, respectively. The maize is cultivated for grain, fodder, green cobs, sweet corn, baby corn, popcorn, throughout the year. The predominant maize production states are...
Maize (Zea mays L.; 2n = 20) is a new world coarse cereal belonging to the family Poaceae and tribe Maydeae. Maize is known as the "queen of cereals" ...
The grazing has been considered to be one of the several factors leading to natural resource degradation in mountain ecosystem. This study was taken up to document the natural resource scenario, grazing scenario, sources of feed and fodder and KAP of farmers in two clusters of villages in two block of Nainital district. The information was collected through Participatory Rural Appraisal and secondary sources. It was found that the livestock-keepers are greatly dependent on the natural resources to fulfill the growing human and livestock requirements. They are equally interested, as per the...
The grazing has been considered to be one of the several factors leading to natural resource degradation in mountain ecosystem. This study was taken u...
The book starts with the objective of exploring the influence of a multigenerational workforce on the training process in software firms. The secondary research explores the concepts, various needs, objectives and methods of training and also highlights the differences between the traits of different generations. The research explores the role of training in coping with the challenges created at workplace because of a multigenerational workforce. Qualitative and quantitative data collection methods are used to collect the primary data for this research. Research findings correlate with both...
The book starts with the objective of exploring the influence of a multigenerational workforce on the training process in software firms. The secondar...
Zuckerrohr, eine agroindustrielle Pflanze, ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Landwirtschaft. Mit einem Anteil von fast 1,9 % am nationalen BIP nimmt es einen wichtigen Platz in der Wirtschaft ein. Zuckerrohr wird auf über 4,83 Millionen Hektar angebaut, die sich über ein breites Spektrum agro-ökologischer Gegebenheiten in tropischen und subtropischen Regionen verteilen. Die übermäßige Bewässerung, die schlechte Entwässerung und der üppige Einsatz von Düngemitteln haben zur Umwandlung großer fruchtbarer Flächen in salzhaltiges Land geführt. Der Salzgehalt ist ein wesentliches...
Zuckerrohr, eine agroindustrielle Pflanze, ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Landwirtschaft. Mit einem Anteil von fast 1,9 % am nationalen BIP nimmt e...