A Point Count System model, DRASTIC, was used to assess the groundwater pollution potential from nitrogen fertilizers in Ludhiana district of Punjab, India. Thematic maps of the seven parameters of the model i.e. depth to water table, recharge, aquifer media, soil, topography, impact of vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity were prepared in a geographic information system (GIS) environment to obtain nitrogen pollution potential indexes based on the consumption of nitrogenous fertilizers. The model was calibrated and validatedfor the region.Statistical analysis showed good agreement between...
A Point Count System model, DRASTIC, was used to assess the groundwater pollution potential from nitrogen fertilizers in Ludhiana district of Punjab, ...
Some argue that one of the main advantages of working-at-home from the point of view of the employee's well-being is the elimination of the stress involved in the journey to work. However, this general claim must be qualified. It also has been suggested that for a considerable number of employees the journey to and from work pro-vides a buffer of time and space between home and the workplace that may give an opportunity for "cooling off" and prevent the transfer of stress from one life sphere to the other. And this book is completely based on the satisfaction of work from home setup.
Some argue that one of the main advantages of working-at-home from the point of view of the employee's well-being is the elimination of the stress inv...
The investigation was undertaken on 339 sugarcane germplasm lines to study genetic variability, correlation coefficient, path coefficient, brix and crop age relationship, genetic divergence, classification based on frequency distribution and identification of potential genetic donors for different yield and quality characters. The materials for the present experiment comprised of 339 entries including 3 checks which were planted in an augmented design at scheduled planting.
The investigation was undertaken on 339 sugarcane germplasm lines to study genetic variability, correlation coefficient, path coefficient, brix and cr...
Promotion of chickpea crop in the existing rice fallow area would also improve sustainability of the rice production system besides enhancing production and augmenting income. Introduction of short-duration drought tolerant chickpea varieties is a viable option to utilize rice fallow lands. Changes in cropping system that necessitate late planting, scope for expansion in rice fallows and the global warming are pushing chickpea to relatively warmer growing environment. Such changes demand identification of varieties resilient to warmer temperature, because growing of chickpea in rice fallow...
Promotion of chickpea crop in the existing rice fallow area would also improve sustainability of the rice production system besides enhancing producti...
Talk Tingle - A Play To Learn Application, une application révolutionnaire d'apprentissage des langues qui adopte une approche innovante pour maîtriser n'importe quelle langue. Construite sur NextJS, Talk Tingle offre aux utilisateurs une interface ludique qui rend l'apprentissage d'une nouvelle langue amusant, engageant et interactif. Dites adieu aux méthodes traditionnelles d'apprentissage des langues et plongez-vous dans une expérience d'apprentissage dynamique et passionnante avec Talk Tingle.
Talk Tingle - A Play To Learn Application, une application révolutionnaire d'apprentissage des langues qui adopte une approche innovante pour maîtri...
Wir stellen vor: Talk Tingle - A Play To Learn Application, eine revolutionäre Sprachlern-App, die einen innovativen Ansatz zum Erlernen jeder Sprache verfolgt. Talk Tingle basiert auf NextJS und bietet den Nutzern eine spielerische Oberfläche, die das Erlernen einer neuen Sprache zu einem unterhaltsamen, spannenden und interaktiven Erlebnis macht. Verabschieden Sie sich von traditionellen Sprachlernmethoden und tauchen Sie ein in eine dynamische und aufregende Lernerfahrung mit Talk Tingle.
Wir stellen vor: Talk Tingle - A Play To Learn Application, eine revolutionäre Sprachlern-App, die einen innovativen Ansatz zum Erlernen jeder Sprach...
1. Highest Plant Height, maximum Plant dry weight was recorded with treatment receiving 100 % (120 kg /ha) Nitrogen through urea with Boron@ 3kg/ha [Treatment -2] .2. Maximum cob length ,cob girth and more numbers of rows, grains per row, test weight and grain yield was recorded with treatment receiving 100% [120 kg /ha] Nitrogen through Urea with Boron @ 3 Kg/ha [Treatment -2] .3. Maximum gross returns, net returns and benefit cost ratio was also recorded with treatment receiving 100 % [120 kg / ha] Nitrogen through Urea with Boron at 3 kg/ha [Treatment -2].
1. Highest Plant Height, maximum Plant dry weight was recorded with treatment receiving 100 % (120 kg /ha) Nitrogen through urea with Boron@ 3kg/ha [T...