Average players tend to focus on point count for their bidding decisions, but the expert recognises that the shape of the hand also plays a vital role. Knowing the implications of shape will help you find the best contract more often. The book not only reveals how to use hand patterns to winning effect, but also how to incorporate the ideas of shape in your bidding system. The power of shape is not limited to the bidding. Successful play or defence is often linked to a knowledge of the pattern of the opponents' hands. The second part of this book will show you how to discover and make use...
Average players tend to focus on point count for their bidding decisions, but the expert recognises that the shape of the hand also plays a vital role...
The world of bridge has winners and also-rans. What would you rather be? Winning might not be everything, but it is much better than finishing second or third, and way ahead of being out of place. This book examines the attributes and skills you need to be on the winner's dais more often, not only the personal qualities and psychological requirements, but also the methods you are using and the standard of card play required. TO WIN AT BRIDGE is a challenge full of tips and telling advice, which if followed will produce a positive lift to your game.
The world of bridge has winners and also-rans. What would you rather be? Winning might not be everything, but it is much better than finishing second ...
The opening lead is one of the toughest areas of the game. By following the guide-lines in this book not only will you find the winning lead more often, but also you will be able to avoid the futile or dangerous leads which make declarer's task easier. By giving less away with the opening lead, your scores are bound to improve. This book is about the logic and methods for finding the best lead time and time again. The first section deals with the approach you should adopt before you even consider plucking a card from your hand. It provides a series of steps to enable you to come up with...
The opening lead is one of the toughest areas of the game. By following the guide-lines in this book not only will you find the winning lead more ofte...
Many players feel trepidation when faced with playing a no-trumps contract. In this book Ron Klinger shows you how to approach such contracts without fear. The correct lines and logical thinking are explained clearly and you will not only make your contracts, but also score overtricks as well. This book is about the strategy of succeeding as declarer when you play no-trumps. The first section deals with the approach you should adopt before you even play a card from dummy. Then follow heaps of practical examples, problems for you to solve, deals that arose in major competitions where the...
Many players feel trepidation when faced with playing a no-trumps contract. In this book Ron Klinger shows you how to approach such contracts without ...
Bidding in the slam area has developed rapidly over the past 20 years and players are bidding slams more often and more accurately. In this book Ron Klinger shows how to judge whether slam is likely or not and reveals the methods to find the critical cards in partner's hand, whether it is to stay out of a poor slam, bid a good small slam or find an excellent grand slam.
Bidding in the slam area has developed rapidly over the past 20 years and players are bidding slams more often and more accurately. In this book Ron K...
From the opening bid to much later rounds of bidding, from uncontested sequences to highly competitive auctions, this book will provide the groundwork so that you will know when silence can be golden. Each chapter covers the principles that indicate when bidding is the right course, and then which call to choose, and when passing is the winning action.
From the opening bid to much later rounds of bidding, from uncontested sequences to highly competitive auctions, this book will provide the groundwork...
BRIDGE WORLD said of the first edition: 'is as good a quiz book as has ever appeared...Instead of examples of well-known ideas, the author presents truly practical situations...the questions emphasise those aspects of bridge play that are truly important at the table. Our quibbles with the analysis are minor, and we recommend the book as outstanding of its kind.'
BRIDGE WORLD said of the first edition: 'is as good a quiz book as has ever appeared...Instead of examples of well-known ideas, the author pres...
The world's oldest, and leading, bridge magazine, The Bridge World, said of this book: 'Guide to Better Card Play is an elementary-through-intermediate textbook on declarer play and defence. Appropriately, the two phases of the book receive equal attention. The book can be used either as a self-teacher or as the basis of a series of lessons. In addition to the tutorial material, which is comprehensive, careful and instructive, the work is choc-a-bloc with summaries, reviews, quizzes and example deals. There is even an appendix that allows your foursome to set up the practice deals...
The world's oldest, and leading, bridge magazine, The Bridge World, said of this book: 'Guide to Better Card Play is an elementary-through-interme...
This is a definitive Acol textbook, equally valuable to rubber or duplicate bridge players. Set out as a course which can be used in conjunction with bridge classes or as a self-teacher, the book covers all the basic principles of bidding and play and is packed with exercises and quizzes on everything that has been taught. Recommended as the ideal textbook for learning the game, Basic Bridge will continue to be the standard beginner's guide to rubber and duplicate bridge for the foreseeable future. If you only ever buy one bridge book it has to be Basic Bridge.
This is a definitive Acol textbook, equally valuable to rubber or duplicate bridge players. Set out as a course which can be used in conjunction with ...
This Fast Fact Finder is a guide and summary to the basics of bridge for the beginner and novice player, enabling players to check quickly important points in bidding and play. It is designed to be used in conjunction with Basic Bridge and Acol Bridge Made Easy, both by Ron Klinger. Other Fast Fact Finders: Acol Bridge Flipper, Duplicate Bridge Flipper, Memory-Aids and Useful Rules Flipper, Modern Losing Trick Count Flipper and Opening Leads Flipper.
This Fast Fact Finder is a guide and summary to the basics of bridge for the beginner and novice player, enabling players to check quickly important p...