Here is a new edition of this exhilarating and ingeniously laid out guide to improving both your bidding and play. Sixty hands are presented and you must first find the key bid. Then, as declarer, you have to work out the best way to play the hand. By the time you have completed the sixty problems you will undoubtedly be a much improved player.
Here is a new edition of this exhilarating and ingeniously laid out guide to improving both your bidding and play. Sixty hands are presented and you m...
Better Bridge with a Better Memory 'goes beyond ... wide-ranging advice ... and investigates one specific technique in detail. The method demonstrated is mnemonics, and the author shows how that approach, already widely in use in naming agreements and providing clues to their details, can be applied to every phase of the game. As is often the case in Klinger productions, many examples used to demonstrate the case at hand have unrelated interesting points, and the discussions thus provide a welcome variety of topics.' - The Bridge World.
Better Bridge with a Better Memory 'goes beyond ... wide-ranging advice ... and investigates one specific technique in detail. The method demon...
More and more people are finding out what a great joy it is to be able to play bridge. You can learn at any age, but one thing is sure - you will wish you had started earlier. Bridge is the most stimulating, most intriguing, most fascinating and most challenging of all card games. It will give you more lasting pleasure than any other recreation because of its unending variety. Once you start playing, you will want to play again and again...
More and more people are finding out what a great joy it is to be able to play bridge. You can learn at any age, but one thing is sure - you wi...
The unique fast fact finder which enables players to check rapidly important points in bidding and play. Acol Bridge Flipper is aimed at the vast number of people who already play and who want to improve.
The unique fast fact finder which enables players to check rapidly important points in bidding and play. Acol Bridge Flipper is aimed at the va...
There are definite benefits in allowing a One No-Trump opening to include a 5-card major. More and more experts at international level have adopted such a style. If you are an ambitious player and are keen to improve the range of your no-trump bidding you will need a method to locate a 5-card major with opener or to discover a 4-4 major fit. 5-Card Major Stayman provides an easy structure that allows you to do just that and still enables you to use transfers to either major, even after a INT:2C response.
There are definite benefits in allowing a One No-Trump opening to include a 5-card major. More and more experts at international level have ado...
This Fast Fact Finder provides memory-aids for use in bidding and play. It also gives the key numerical rules which guide players in specific bidding and play situations, an example being the Rule of Eleven used in card play after an opening lead. This Flipper has a very wide appeal and should have a considerable continuing sale to bridge players.
This Fast Fact Finder provides memory-aids for use in bidding and play. It also gives the key numerical rules which guide players in specific bidding ...
For those needing to grasp the fundamentals of sound bidding and play, Ron Klinger's BASIC BRIDGE is the answer. GUIDE TO BETTER ACOL BRIDGE is intended for the large majority who are ready to advance beyond the basics. While GUIDE TO BETTER ACOL BRIDGE emphasises better bidding, each chapter contains examples of play, which highlight areas of winning declarer technique and defence. At the end of each section, a revision test enables the reader to measure the rate of progress. The book can be used by teachers conducting courses, or as a self-teacher.
For those needing to grasp the fundamentals of sound bidding and play, Ron Klinger's BASIC BRIDGE is the answer. GUIDE TO BETTER ACOL BRIDGE is intend...
There is every reason to start children on bridge at an early age. In addition to the obvious benefits to arithmetic and logical reasoning, bridge develops memory, judgement, concentration, planning ability and cooperation. It is a social asset for life, and boosts mental alertness later in life. Not only is it fun to play, but bridge also allows one to make new friends easily and overcomes all kinds of social barriers and physical handicaps. Bridge can be played anywhere and anytime. You will be doing your child a lifelong favour by opening the door to the world of bridge.
There is every reason to start children on bridge at an early age. In addition to the obvious benefits to arithmetic and logical reasoning, bridge dev...
The opponents have doubled your contract and you have to decide how best to play the hand. Are you aiming to make your doubled contract? Is there a possibility of doubled overtricks? These are attractive objectives, but often they are not realistic. Should you accept that you will not make your contract and limit your losses as best you can? Obviously it is better to go one down than three or four down and it is important not to panic just because of the double. If you have sacrificed against the opponents' game or slam, which would have made, it is vital that your loss does not exceed...
The opponents have doubled your contract and you have to decide how best to play the hand. Are you aiming to make your doubled contract? Is there a po...
This book is for you if you are serious about wanting to improve your duplicate skills. If you and your partner adopt most of the bidding methods recommended in the Guide to Better Duplicate Bridge and you regularly follow the guide-lines for declarer play and defence geared towards matchpoint thinking, you should find that your scores will improve significantly. Guide to Better Duplicate Bridge was first published in 1995 and this edition contains the standard methods which have proved successful in the past as well as recent developements, how they work, when they apply...
This book is for you if you are serious about wanting to improve your duplicate skills. If you and your partner adopt most of the bidding methods reco...