The Euclidean approach to quantum gravity was initiated almost 15 years ago in an attempt to understand the difficulties raised by the spacetime singularities of classical general relativity which arise in the gravitational collapse of stars to form black holes and the entire universe in the Big Bang. An important motivation was to develop an approach capable of dealing with the non-linear, non-perturbative aspects of quantum gravity due to topologically non-trivial spacetimes. There are important links with a Riemannian geometry. Since its inception the theory has been applied to a number of...
The Euclidean approach to quantum gravity was initiated almost 15 years ago in an attempt to understand the difficulties raised by the spacetime singu...
Nové, bohatě ilustrované a doplněné vydání knihy, jež se od roku 1988, kdy vyšla poprvé, stala milníkem ve vědecké literatuře a jíž se po celém světě prodalo přes devět milionů výtisků. Profesor Stephen Hawking zde ke svému epochálnímu dílu připojuje novou předmluvu a doplňuje je o nové poznatky, stejně jako drobné korekce jako reakci na četné vědecké připomínky k původní práci, a doplňuje je o celou jednu kapitolu, v níž se věnuje především možnosti cestování časem, tedy problému, který se i díky němu v posledních letech...
Nové, bohatě ilustrované a doplněné vydání knihy, jež se od roku 1988, kdy vyšla poprvé, stala milníkem ve vědecké literatuře a jíž se...
Jak vzniknul vesmír a kam směřuje? Co je to čas a může mít nějaký tvar? Tyto a jiné otázky řeší bohatě ilustrované pokračování fenomenálního bestselleru Stručná historie času, v níž autor, největší a nejcharismatičtější osobnost teoretické fyziky po Albertu Einsteinovi, uvádí čtenáře do fascinujícího světa obecné relativity a kvantové mechaniky, kde je čas úzce svázán s prostorem a kde se setkáváme s podivuhodnými objekty, jako jsou černé díry a elementární částice. Autor bere čtenáře na dobrodružnou pouť do samého nitra kosmu,...
Jak vzniknul vesmír a kam směřuje? Co je to čas a může mít nějaký tvar? Tyto a jiné otázky řeší bohatě ilustrované pokračování feno...
Helps the reader understand the progression of mathematical thought, and the very foundations of technologies. This book includes landmark discoveries spanning 2500 years and representing the work of mathematicians such as Euclid, Georg Cantor, Kurt Godel, Augustin Cauchy, Bernard Riemann and Alan Turing.
Helps the reader understand the progression of mathematical thought, and the very foundations of technologies. This book includes landmark discoveries...
Join George and Annie at space camp in America, where they discover a mysterious riddle that sends them on an action-packed, rollercoaster trail across the universe, involving Martian sunsets, far-distant star systems and a dangerous enemy.
Join George and Annie at space camp in America, where they discover a mysterious riddle that sends them on an action-packed, rollercoaster trail acros...
Covering subjects ranging from the personal to the wholly scientific, this is a collection of Stephen Hawking's essays and other pieces, revealing him as scientist, man, concerned world citizen and imaginative thinker. He recalls his first experience of nursery school, punctures the arrogance of those who think science can best be understood only by other scientists, explores the origins and the future of the universe, and reflects on the phenomenon of his bestselling book, A Brief History of Time. Some of the pieces reflect familiar material in fresh ways, while others are entirely new -...
Covering subjects ranging from the personal to the wholly scientific, this is a collection of Stephen Hawking's essays and other pieces, revealing him...
One of the most influential thinkers of our time, Stephen Hawking is an intellectual icon, known not only for the adventurousness of his ideas but for the clarity and wit with which he expresses them. His bestseller A Brief History of Time introduced the fascinating world of theoretical physics to readers all over the world. Now, Hawking turns to the major breakthroughs that have occurred in the years since the release of his first book. He brings to us the cutting edge of theoretical physics, where truth is often stranger than fiction, and explains in layman's terms the principles that...
One of the most influential thinkers of our time, Stephen Hawking is an intellectual icon, known not only for the adventurousness of his ideas but for...
Features over one hundred and fifty colour illustrations that have been specially commissioned to help the reader understand what have become popular mythic images of our century, but which nonetheless remain difficult, abstract ideas to grasp.
Features over one hundred and fifty colour illustrations that have been specially commissioned to help the reader understand what have become popular ...
Monografie věnovaná ibero-africkým a indiánským kultům a slavnostem a doplněná rozsáhlou obrazovou dokumentací nabízí srovnání původních scénických tradic tří kontinentů, které se po objevu Nového světa setkaly v prostoru Jižní Ameriky, aby po jejich vzájemné synkrezi vznikly scénické projevy nové. Dominantní křesťanská evangelizace umožnila symbiózu s obřadními tradicemi afrických a indiánských etnik. Ty se podílejí hlavně na fiestách a ceremoniích k poctě Božího těla (Corpus Christi), Matky Boží, důležitých světců, a to hlavně...
Monografie věnovaná ibero-africkým a indiánským kultům a slavnostem a doplněná rozsáhlou obrazovou dokumentací nabízí srovnání původní...
Stephen Hawking, the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, is widely regarded as one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists of our time. This book contains a personal selection of his most significant papers on gravitational theory applied to cosmology and black holes. His early work, partly in collaboration with Roger Penrose, showed that spacetime must come to an end at singularities that will occur both in the big bang and in black holes. This means that time will have a beginning and an end. Hawking's later work has been concerned with understanding these two...
Stephen Hawking, the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, is widely regarded as one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists...