Quantile regression is an approach to data at a loss of homogeneity, for example (1) data with outliers, (2) skewed data like corona - deaths data, (3) data with inconstant variability, (4) big data. In clinical research many examples can be given like circadian phenomena, and diseases where spreading may be dependent on subsets with frailty, low weight, low hygiene, and many forms of lack of healthiness. Stratified analyses is the laborious and rather explorative way of analysis, but quantile analysis is a more fruitful, faster and completer alternative for the purpose. Considering all of...
Quantile regression is an approach to data at a loss of homogeneity, for example (1) data with outliers, (2) skewed data like corona - deaths data, (...
An important novel menu for Survival Analysis entitled Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) models has been published by IBM (international Businesss Machines) in its SPSS statistical software update of 2023. Unlike the traditional Cox regressions that work with hazards, which are the ratio of deaths and non-deaths in a sample, it works with risk of death, which is the proportion of deaths in the same sample. The latter approach may provide better sensitivity of testing, but has been seldom applied, because with computersrisksare tricky andhazardsbecause they are odds are fine. This was underscored...
An important novel menu for Survival Analysis entitled Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) models has been published by IBM (international Businesss Machin...