You are not accomplishing enough. Your to-do list gets longer and longer with less and less important tasks. You know that if you could manage your time just a little bit better you would get further ahead in your career. You are probably right Life today is more complicated and hectic then ever before. It is also more enjoyable for those of us who have mastered these tips to maximize our productivity. With just a few adjustments you can become a more productive and happier individual. After reading this book you will be able to: Use to-do lists effectively so they shrink instead of grow...
You are not accomplishing enough. Your to-do list gets longer and longer with less and less important tasks. You know that if you could manage your ti...
Your body has demands and you need to meet them. You cannot perform at your highest level, day in and day out, if you are ignoring your body's needs. But like most busy people you can't spend your days testing the right meals, workout routines, or stretching routines. You don't need advice. You need strategies. This book is for you. This book is filled with to-the-point strategies on how to manage your health for optimum productivity in your work and personal life. After reading this book you'll have strategies regarding: How to stay hydrated (without giving up caffeine ) Creating a diet plan...
Your body has demands and you need to meet them. You cannot perform at your highest level, day in and day out, if you are ignoring your body's needs. ...
Productivity Pack - 4 Books in OneA Productive Mind: Your mind can be your best friend or worst enemy. It can be an engine of productivity or it can be mired in self-doubt, pointless distractions, and self-defeating perfectionism. You can do better You can get rid of bad behaviors and improve on good ones. By reading this book you will be taking a step forward into a more productive lifestyle. A Productive Body: Your body has demands and you need to meet them. You cannot perform at your highest level, day in and day out, if you are ignoring your body's needs. But like...
Productivity Pack - 4 Books in OneA Productive Mind: Your mind can be your best friend or worst enemy. It can be an engine of producti...
Your mind, body, and spirit need to be aligned to achieve maximum productivity. Good people can find themselves weighed down because they are not effectively processing their own emotions and experiences. Resentments, self-doubt, and a lack of purpose can leave even the most accomplished person feeling as though they are failing at the game of life. This does not have to be you. If you feel like you are doing all the right things but are not proud of the accomplishments that you are having then reading this book is the right next step for you. After reading this book you will be able to:...
Your mind, body, and spirit need to be aligned to achieve maximum productivity. Good people can find themselves weighed down because they are not effe...