De sporsmal som undersokes i denne boken er: Hva er politisk og ideologisk Islam? Det er hovedsakelig utviklingen i det 20. arhundret og frem til i dag som danner utgangspunktet for denne undersokelse, selv om eksempler fra tidligere tider vil bli brakt inn. Det er politisk og ideologisk Islam i den historiske kontekst som er undersokelsens formal, ikke politisk og ideologisk Islam i teologisk forstand. Boken undersoker om dagens islamske terror i Europa kan vaere forankret i politisk og ideologisk Islam. Boken bringer en god del eksempler fra historien som viser hvordan Islamske stater har...
De sporsmal som undersokes i denne boken er: Hva er politisk og ideologisk Islam? Det er hovedsakelig utviklingen i det 20. arhundret og frem til i da...
Terror i Europa-mulige arsaker, er del av en trilogi. Bind 1 handler om valmueruten. Dette er ruten fra Afganistan til Europa hvor "valmuer" kom gjennom. Europol, avdeling x i Stockholm har oppdraget a stoppe denne trafikken. Bind 2 Europa brenner, handler om atomstridshoder som fraktes inn i Europa langs valmueruten. Bind 3 Islamsk terror i Europa viser en kopling mellom ISTRA, en russisk kriminell organisasjon, avdeling x i Europol og politisk og ideologisk Islam. Vi ser en utvikling i terroren i Europa fra en sofistikert strategi, over terror av folk som samles i store menneskemengder. Na...
Terror i Europa-mulige arsaker, er del av en trilogi. Bind 1 handler om valmueruten. Dette er ruten fra Afganistan til Europa hvor "valmuer" kom gjenn...
The Bible's Satanic verses are the third of the four pillars of religion that have contributed to the development of the concepts of obedience and evil in Western culture. The first pillar is the story of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise due to their disobedience to God. The second is the story of Abraham's obedience to God. Abraham was willing to obey God and sacrifice his son Isaac. In view of Abraham's obedience, God ultimately did not require him to sacrifice Isaac. These first two stories, which form the basis of the Western culture of obedience, are about obedience to God....
The Bible's Satanic verses are the third of the four pillars of religion that have contributed to the development of the concepts of obedience and evi...
Part I Theory is divided in two chapters. In chapter 1 we develop a theory of Genocide. Although Leo Kuper, who is highly regarded among scholars of genocide studies, said that there was no point in developing a general theory of genocide, it nevertheless seems to make sense to examine the broad forces behind acts of genocide, because it may teach us something about the patterns and conditions that lead to such acts. If we know something about the patterns and conditions of genocide, we may perhaps at an early point be able to diagnose and identify developments that lead to these acts. If...
Part I Theory is divided in two chapters. In chapter 1 we develop a theory of Genocide. Although Leo Kuper, who is highly regarded among scholars of g...
In chapter 1 we ask the question: How can we develop a general scientific methodology, on tenets from Mario Bunges philosophy? The purpose is presenting a general scientific methodology on tenets from Mario Bunges philosophy. In the end of the chapter we show a general scientific methodology. based on systemic thinking. In chapter 2 we work with some of Mario Bunges statements, for instance: In order to explain a phenomenon/problem, some of the mechanisms which elicit the phenomenon/problem must be clarified, since: "a goal of scientific research is to uncover reality beneath appearance"...
In chapter 1 we ask the question: How can we develop a general scientific methodology, on tenets from Mario Bunges philosophy? The purpose is presenti...
The book contains of five chapters. The purpose of chapter 1 is to investigate under which conditions it can be expected that the negotiation partners substitute a competitive definition of the situation for a cooperative one. A general model for negotiation situations has been developed. Several research propositions focusing on the transformation from a win- loose context, to a win-win context are presented. The conditions which the purpose of the chapter focus on, are summarized in a visualized model for negotiation situations. The question to be discussed in chapter 2 is the following:...
The book contains of five chapters. The purpose of chapter 1 is to investigate under which conditions it can be expected that the negotiation partners...
Our topic for discussion in this book is: What is the foundation for the philosophy of social science? Our perspective is systemic thinking. Our aim in writing this book has been the wish to help social scientists who study social systems with some perspectives in the philosophy of social science; A map over the territory, so to speak. The purpose is to facilitate the work of researchers studying problems/phenomena in social systems.
Our topic for discussion in this book is: What is the foundation for the philosophy of social science? Our perspective is systemic thinking. Our aim i...
In this book we discusses Nietzsche's concept of freedom. In chapter 1 we ask the question: What is the meaning of 'freedom' in Nietzsche's philosophy? The purpose of the chapter is to develop aspects of Nietzsche's theory of freedom. Nine propositions which constitute aspects of Nietzsche's theory of freedom is developed. In chapter 2 we ask the question: What is the meaning of the freedom of the individual in Nietzsche's philosophy? The purpose of chapter 2 is to develop aspects of Nietzsche's theory of freedom of the individual. Five propositions that constitute aspects of Nietzsche's...
In this book we discusses Nietzsche's concept of freedom. In chapter 1 we ask the question: What is the meaning of 'freedom' in Nietzsche's philosophy...
The concept organisational channel capacity will be discussed in this book. This will also be related to innovation processes in organisations. We shall look at the relationship between organisational channel capacity and innovation. Then we shall make use of a thought experiment in order to apply Ashby's "Connectance" concept on organisational channel capacity to explain the relation between change at the partial system level and stability at the total system level The book is intentionally closed into a particular field of literature, i.e. the interactive innovation model. The purpose is to...
The concept organisational channel capacity will be discussed in this book. This will also be related to innovation processes in organisations. We sha...