Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was a German philosopher. Kant's philosophy was a philosophy of human autonomy. He held that we can discover and achieve the principles of morality and knowledge without the aid of any external power, divine or otherwise.
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was a German philosopher. Kant's philosophy was a philosophy of human autonomy. He held that we can discover and achieve the...
Classics for Your Collection: --------- Foundations of the Metaphysic of Morals, also known as the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Grounding of the Metaphysics of Morals and the Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals) is the first of Immanuel Kant's mature works on moral philosophy and remains one of the most influential in the field. It's a major work in applied moral philosophy deals with the basic principles of rights and of virtues. Morality and law are always a questionable mix. But Kant is not deterred....
Classics for Your Collection: --------- Foundations of the Metaphysic of Morals, also k...
The main work of Immanuel Kant in which he argues that the mind forms its own experiences. These experiences are thus only as perceiving the phenomenal world and not experiencing the world around us as it truly is. He tries to combat the critique that such a view holds and to put the use of reason to justify our experiences by showing that we never truly experience what we perceive.
The main work of Immanuel Kant in which he argues that the mind forms its own experiences. These experiences are thus only as perceiving the phenomena...
These Prolegomena are destined for the use, not of pupils, but of future teachers, and even the latter should not expect that they will be serviceable for the systematic exposition of already-made science, but merely for the discovery of the science itself. There are scholarly men, to whom the history of philosophy (both ancient and modern) is philosophy itself; for these the present Prolegomena are not written. They must wait till those who endeavor to draw from the fountain of reason itself have completed their work; it will then be the historian's turn to inform the world of what has been...
These Prolegomena are destined for the use, not of pupils, but of future teachers, and even the latter should not expect that they will be serviceable...
"Critica de la razon practica" es la segunda de las tres criticas de Immanuel Kant, publicada por primera vez en 1788. Trata sobre su filosofia de la moral, y continua en la linea de la Critica de la razon pura. La gran mayoria de los argumentos de este libro estan expresados mas extensamente en sus Principios fundamentales del conocimiento metafisico. Desde las dos grandes eticas de la Antiguedad, la aristotelica y la de los estoicos, la moralidad no ha sido teorizada con tanta profundidad y rigor como lo hace Kant en este libro.
"Critica de la razon practica" es la segunda de las tres criticas de Immanuel Kant, publicada por primera vez en 1788. Trata sobre su filosofia de la ...
Se recogen aqui los trabajos fundamentales de Kant sobre Filosofia de la Historia, entre los que cabe destacar por su relevancia tematica las Ideas para una historia universal en clave cosmopolita (1784), que presta su titulo a este volumen. Junto a el hemos incluido las Recensiones sobre la obra de Herder Ideas para una filosofia de la Historia de la Humanidad (1785), asi como el ensayo acerca del Probable inicio de la historia humana (1786) y el Replanteamiento de la cuestion sobre si el genero humano se halla en continuo progreso hacia lo mejor (1797), escrito que constituye la segunda...
Se recogen aqui los trabajos fundamentales de Kant sobre Filosofia de la Historia, entre los que cabe destacar por su relevancia tematica las Ideas pa...
The Critique of Pure Reason (German: Kritik der reinen Vernunft, KrV) by Immanuel Kant, (first published in 1781, second edition 1787), is one of the most influential works in the history of philosophy. Also referred to as Kant's First Critique, it was followed by the Critique of Practical Reason (1788) and the Critique of Judgment (1790). In the preface to the first edition Kant explains what he means by a critique of pure reason: "I do not mean by this a critique of books and systems, but of the faculty of reason in general, in respect of all knowledge after which it may strive...
The Critique of Pure Reason (German: Kritik der reinen Vernunft, KrV) by Immanuel Kant, (first published in 1781, second edition 1787), is one of the ...
The Critique of Pure Reason, published by Immanuel Kant in 1781, is one of the most complex structures and the most significant of modern philosophy, bringing a revolution at least as great as that of Descartes and his Discourse on Method. The complexity of the first review (the second is the critique of practical reason, and the third is a critique of the faculty of judging), is such that Kant himself published an introductory text, entitled Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. The aim of this book is summed up quite easily, however: metaphysics is a battle that needs to be ordered. Kant...
The Critique of Pure Reason, published by Immanuel Kant in 1781, is one of the most complex structures and the most significant of modern philosophy, ...