Nanocharacterization Techniques covers the main characterization techniques used in nanomaterials and nanostructures. The chapters focus on the fundamental aspects of characterization techniques and their distinctive approaches. Significant advances that have taken place over recent years in refining techniques are covered, and the mathematical foundations needed to use the techniques are also explained in detail. This book is an important reference for materials scientists and engineers looking for a through analysis of nanocharacterization techniques in order to establish which is...
Nanocharacterization Techniques covers the main characterization techniques used in nanomaterials and nanostructures. The chapters focus on ...
Nanostructures covers the main concepts and fundamentals of nanoscience emphasizing characteristics and properties of numerous nanostructures.
This book offers a clear explanation of nanostructured materials via several examples of synthesis/processing methodologies and materials characterization. In particular, this book is targeted to a range of scientific backgrounds, with some chapters written at an introductory level and others with the in-depth coverage required for a seasoned professional.
Nanostructures is an important reference source for early-career...
Nanostructures covers the main concepts and fundamentals of nanoscience emphasizing characteristics and properties of numerous nanostructure...