Projektarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich BWL - Revision, Prufungswesen, Note: 2,0, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Durch die Verabschiedung der EU-Reform zur Anderung der Abschlussprufung gelangte die externe Rotation von Abschlussprufern jungst wieder in die Diskussionen der Abschlusspruferbranche. Vor allem die Abwandlungen im Bereich der Unternehmen von offentlichem Interesse sorgten fur reichlich Diskussionsstoff. Diese grundlegende Reform betrifft weite Teile der Abschlussprufung. Doch vor allem die Neuerungen im Bereich der Qualitatssicherungsprufung, dem erweiterten Verbot von...
Projektarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich BWL - Revision, Prufungswesen, Note: 2,0, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Durch die Verabschiedung der EU-R...
Projektarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich BWL - Rechnungswesen, Bilanzierung, Steuern, Note: 1,5, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Ausgangspunkt dieser wissenschaftlichen Arbeit ist die aktuelle Entscheidung vom Bundesverfassungsgericht zum Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuergesetz. Um dieses Urteil verstehen zu konnen, versucht diese Arbeit einen groben Uberblick uber die derzeit noch gultige, aber bereits verfassungswidrige Gesetzeslage zu verschaffen. Auf keinen Fall besteht bei diesem Uberblick ein Anspruch auf Vollstandigkeit. Spezielle Regelungen und Details einzelner Normen werden in diesem...
Projektarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich BWL - Rechnungswesen, Bilanzierung, Steuern, Note: 1,5, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Ausgangspunkt diese...
As an accountant, Michael Thomas has had difficulty applying his great knowledge of history, literature and art. But in his poetry, he is free to express his understandings in unbridled creative and playful ways. This, his most recent book of poetry is likely his most creative and playful, as he becomes more versed and practiced every day. Michael is blessed with an extensive vocabulary and the understanding of how to blend words to create effects which are more than the sum of the phrases, like a jazz master plays a saxophone solo. You cannot put what you heard into words, you only know that...
As an accountant, Michael Thomas has had difficulty applying his great knowledge of history, literature and art. But in his poetry, he is free to expr...
A publication by: In this book you'll discover how Michael Thomas came to learn about hypnosis and the religion Hypnotism. You'll discover his unique journey from being termed a 'Hitler' in his office to coming into being one of the most calm and respected managers in the firm. You'll learn how he found his Zen, and how you can do the same. If you are a perfectionist you'll love this book, because you'll discover how to utilize hypnosis to help you more easily find the perfect balance in life. If you're wanting change, this is the book for you. Thomas teaches you a...
A publication by: In this book you'll discover how Michael Thomas came to learn about hypnosis and the religion Hypnotism. Yo...
This book explores the impact of e-research in education and the opportunities presented by a new generation of research approaches and tools. E-research is an umbrella term that encompasses all digital research methods used for data collection and analysis including those involving handheld mobile devices. This is a current concern as the emergence of online tools that enable people to collaborate, create, and share information has led to the widespread use of these new digital research methods. Indeed, new tools and technologies are emerging almost daily and are being taken up by...
This book explores the impact of e-research in education and the opportunities presented by a new generation of research approaches and tools. E-re...
A fingerprint is an isolated and distinct impression that belongs to one individual. It is also evidence that says someone was in a certain place and touched a particular object. In this particular study, the object touched is the mind. In the world of law enforcement, fingerprints are also used to identify those who have committed a crime. Hopefully, by the time you finish this book, you will be able to identify the foreign impressions that have been left on your mind.
A fingerprint is an isolated and distinct impression that belongs to one individual. It is also evidence that says someone was in a certain place and ...