Salvatore V. Pizzo Roger L. Lundblad Monte S., Ed. Willis
Most clinical laboratory tests utilize interstitial and extravascular such as blood, urine, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), and saliva. For example, CSF is monitored in the context of cancer for both diagnostic and therapeutic reasons. And yet, our understanding of the makeup of interstitial fluids, their relationships to disease, as well as their commercial importance in therapeutics and diagnostics remains rudimentary. Although sometimes perceived as static, interstitial and extravascular fluids are surprisingly dynamic. More than half of serum albumin is in the extravascular space. These...
Most clinical laboratory tests utilize interstitial and extravascular such as blood, urine, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), and saliva. For example, C...
There are many books which review "classic" cell surface receptor biology; however, a new paradigm has emerged in the past dozen years with the discovery that various intracellular proteins may acquire new functions as cell surface receptors. Two very prominent examples are ATP synthase and GRP78. While the role of cell surface ATP synthase has been reviewed in various books, no such effort has been directed towards presenting the "story" of cell surface GRP78. This book will do just that.
Edited by the researcher who identified cell surface expression of the molecular...
There are many books which review "classic" cell surface receptor biology; however, a new paradigm has emerged in the past dozen years with the dis...