HAFIZ OF SHIRAZ The Screenplay by Paul Smith HAFIZ is an aspiring poet and the ugliest man of his age: an apprentice baker, who delivers bread to the people of Shiraz, Persia. One day he catches sight of NABAT, the beautiful daughter of one of the cities wealthy traders. Smitten, HAFIZ pours his longing into his songs dedicated to the entrancing object of his desire. His words are so wondrous that the greatest minstrel of the day HAJJI, takes up his instrument and serenades HAFIZ'S loved one. Captivated by his lyrics, NABAT falls in love with HAFIZ, whose experiences with the Spiritual Guide,...
HAFIZ OF SHIRAZ The Screenplay by Paul Smith HAFIZ is an aspiring poet and the ugliest man of his age: an apprentice baker, who delivers bread to the ...
PIERCING PEARLS: VOLUME ONE The Complete Anthology of Persian Poetry Court, Sufi, Dervish, Satirical, Ribald, Prison & Social Poetry from the 9th to the 13th century. Translations, Introduction and Notes by Paul Smith This 2 volume anthology is the largest anthology of Persian Poetry published. The introduction contains a history and explanation of all the forms used by the poets, a short history of the Persian language, Sufism in Persian Poetry & a Glossary of Sufi & Dervish Symbols plus a Selected Bibliography. With each selection of a poet is a brief biography plus a list of further...
PIERCING PEARLS: VOLUME ONE The Complete Anthology of Persian Poetry Court, Sufi, Dervish, Satirical, Ribald, Prison & Social Poetry from the 9th to t...
THE ENLIGHTENED SAYINGS OF HAZRAT 'ALI The Right Hand of the Prophet Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith Hazrat 'Ali (598-661) was Prophet Mohammed's nephew, son-in-law and favourite and was the first Imam of the Shi'ites and the fourth of the true caliphs of the Sunnis. Sufi Masters believe in Ali as one of the 'Seven Great Ones' in the first generation of teachers and many in orders of Dervishes trace their spiritual ancestry back to him. Hazrat Ali's sayings are published as Nahj al-Balagh or 'The Peak of Experience'... a treasury of wisdom and divine grace. It is said that he wrote...
THE ENLIGHTENED SAYINGS OF HAZRAT 'ALI The Right Hand of the Prophet Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith Hazrat 'Ali (598-661) was Prophet Mohamm...
* PIERCING PEARLS * The Complete Anthology of Persian Poetry: Volume Two Court, Sufi, Dervish, Satirical, Ribald, Prison & Social Poetry from the 14th to the 20th century. Translations & Introduction by Paul Smith This 2 volume anthology is the largest of Persian Poetry published. The introduction contains a history and explanation of all forms used, a short history of Persian, Sufism in Persian Poetry, glossary of Sufi symbols and a Bibliography. With each poet is a brief biography. The rhyme-structures have been kept and beauty and meaning of these beautiful, often mystical poems. THE...
* PIERCING PEARLS * The Complete Anthology of Persian Poetry: Volume Two Court, Sufi, Dervish, Satirical, Ribald, Prison & Social Poetry from the 14th...
* RUMI* A Daybook Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith The great Sufi Master and poet Jalal-ud-din Rumi was born in 1207 in Balkh. Rumi's love and his great longing for the Perfect Master Shams -e Tabriz found expression in music, dance, songs and poems in his collection of poems/songs or Divan. This vast work included thousands of ghazals and other poetic forms and nearly two thousand ruba'is which he would compose for many years, before he became a God-realised Perfect Master himself and also afterwards. Most of the poems in this Daybook are taken from his collection of ruba'is, but...
* RUMI* A Daybook Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith The great Sufi Master and poet Jalal-ud-din Rumi was born in 1207 in Balkh. Rumi's love and...
SUFI POETRY A Daybook Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith This is a Daybook of Sufi and Dervish Poetry in the Ruba'i form, from the Arabic, Persian, Turkish & Urdu from Rudaki to Modern Times. 366 inspirational and spiritually helpful and beautiful poems by the greatest Sufi poets of all time including Rudaki, Mansur Hallaj, Shibli, Baba Tahir, Abu Said, Ibn Sina, Baba Kuhi, Ansari, Al-Ghazali, Hamadani, Khayyam, Sana'i, Mahsati, Khaqani, Nizami, Ruzbihan, Baghdadi, 'Attar, Auhad-ud-din Kermani, Kamal ad-din, Hamavi, Baba Afzal, Rumi, Imami, Sadi, 'Iraqi, Humam, Amir Khusrau, Simnani,...
SUFI POETRY A Daybook Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith This is a Daybook of Sufi and Dervish Poetry in the Ruba'i form, from the Arabic, Persi...
SUFI POETRY OF INDIA A Daybook Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith This is a Daybook of Sufi and Dervish Poetry of India in various poetic forms. Over 400 inspirational and spiritually helpful and beautiful poems to inspire and make your day. CONTENTS: The Poets, Sufis & Dervishes: Their Art and Use of Poetry, Glossary, The Main Forms in Persian, Punjabi, Hindi, Kashmiri, Sindhi and Urdu Sufi and Dervish Poetry of India, Selected Bibliography... THE POETS: Mu'in ud-din Chishti, Baba Farid, Amir Khusrau, Hasan Dihlavi, Lalla Ded, Kabir, Qutub Shah, Dara Shikoh, Sarmad, Sultan Bahu, Nasir...
SUFI POETRY OF INDIA A Daybook Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith This is a Daybook of Sufi and Dervish Poetry of India in various poetic forms....
*KABIR* A Daybook Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith 'Here are wonderful words of wisdom (sakhis/poems) from one of the wisest of the wise. Here are lines of love from a Master of Divine Love, and a human being who has lived as all human beings should live, with compassion, honesty and courage. If you want the Truth, no holds barred, it is here, but as we're told; truth is dangerous These poems change people. You will not be the same As Kabir says. -Wake up sleepy head - ' From the Introduction that includes a Glossary and a Selected Bibliography. 366 wonderful short poems in this...
*KABIR* A Daybook Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith 'Here are wonderful words of wisdom (sakhis/poems) from one of the wisest of the wise. Here...
*SADI* A Daybook Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith Sadi of Shiraz, along with Hafiz, Nizami & Rumi is considered one of the great mystical and romantic poets of Persia. His masterpieces, The Rose Garden and The Bustan (Orchard) have been a major influence in the East and West for the past 700 years. His Divan of ghazals are still much loved. His ruba'is have also been an influence on the poets that followed him. Here is a Daybook with a selection of 366 poems from his ghazals, ruba'is and masnavis. Introduction includes his Life and Times and Poetry. There is also a Selected...
*SADI* A Daybook Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith Sadi of Shiraz, along with Hafiz, Nizami & Rumi is considered one of the great mystical and ...
Turkish & Urdu Sufi Poets... A Daybook Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith Here is an enlightened Daybook of 366 inspirational poems by the greatest Turkish & Urdu Sufi poets of all time in the forms of the ruba'i, ghazal, and others. THE POETS: Turkish... Ahmed Yesevi, Sultan Valad, Yunus Emre, Kadi Burhan-ud-din, Nesimi, Ahmedi, Suleyman Chelebi, Sheykhi, Necati, Zati, Pir Sultan, Khayali, Fuzuli, Baqi, Huda'i, Nef'i, Yahya, Haleti, Na'ili, Niyazi, Galib, Esrar Dede, Leyla Khanim, Veysel. Urdu... Qutub Shah, Wali, Sauda, Dard, Nazir, Mir, Aatish, Zafar, Zauq, Momin, Dabir, Anees, Hali,...
Turkish & Urdu Sufi Poets... A Daybook Translation & Introduction by Paul Smith Here is an enlightened Daybook of 366 inspirational poems by the great...