This volume looks at research methods through the lens of peace studies and peace values. Apart from reviewing established methods from peace psychology, it presents some innovative ideas for conducting research in the area of peace psychology. Many of these methods are drawn from the field, from activities used by active peace practitioners. A critical component of this volume is its core argument that peace research should be conducted by peaceful means, and should model peaceful processes.
Organized thematically, the volume begins with a review of the established best practices...
This volume looks at research methods through the lens of peace studies and peace values. Apart from reviewing established methods from peace psych...
This volume looks at research methods through the lens of peace studies and peace values. Organized thematically, the volume begins with a review of the established best practices in peace psychology research methodology, including methods for qualitative research, for quantitative research, and participative action networks.
This volume looks at research methods through the lens of peace studies and peace values. Organized thematically, the volume begins with a review of t...
This volume looks at research methods through the lens of peace studies and peace values. Organized thematically, the volume begins with a review of the established best practices in peace psychology research methodology, including methods for qualitative research, for quantitative research, and participative action networks.
This volume looks at research methods through the lens of peace studies and peace values. Organized thematically, the volume begins with a review of t...