Worauf kommt es an, wenn man ein wunscherfulltes Leben fuhren will? Daruber haben Sie sicher schon einiges gelesen und eigentlich wissen Sie auch, wie es funktioniert. Meist misslingt jedoch das Vorhaben, weil drei wichtige Faktoren vernachlassigt oder nicht berucksichtigt werden. Hierbei handelt es sich um die Anwendung des Wissens, das Trainieren des Denkens und Verhaltens und vor allen Dingen das Durchhalten bis man sein Ziel erreicht hat. Dieses 12-Wochen-Trainingsprogramm ist so angelegt, dass Sie die Ubungen taglich in Ihren Alltag einbinden konnen. Es enthalt nichts, was anstrengend...
Worauf kommt es an, wenn man ein wunscherfulltes Leben fuhren will? Daruber haben Sie sicher schon einiges gelesen und eigentlich wissen Sie auch, wie...
Das Arbeitsbuch: Dieses Arbeitsbuch enthalt ausschliesslich die Trainingsblatter zu den Ubungen aus dem Komplett-Buch. Sie konnen es wunderbar uber drei Monate als Tagebuch benutzen. So haben Sie eine bessere Ubersicht. Zusatzlich erhalten Sie kostenlos das Komplett-Buch in der E-Book Fassung. Die Trainingsblatter enthalten taglich eine kurze Abhakliste zur Uberprufung, ob das vorher Gelernte angewendet wurde. Zusatzlich befindet sich dort passend zum Tag eine Affirmation. Danach wird noch einmal kurz der Tagesablauf uberdacht und Fragen dazu beantwortet. Damit konnen teilweise auch Probleme...
Das Arbeitsbuch: Dieses Arbeitsbuch enthalt ausschliesslich die Trainingsblatter zu den Ubungen aus dem Komplett-Buch. Sie konnen es wunderbar uber dr...
During sleep everything is processed. The good thing about it is, that our stressed mind is switched off. Like this many of our problems are easily brought to a solution. Unfortunately, we dont remember our dreams most of the times. However, shortly after waking up they are still in our memory. Thats why it is advisable to put a dream diary on the bedside table and to write down all details of the dream there immediately. It is not important at all to be able to directly understand the meaning of the dream. Look through your notes once again at a quiet, alert minute and you will be guaranteed...
During sleep everything is processed. The good thing about it is, that our stressed mind is switched off. Like this many of our problems are easily br...
During sleep everything is processed. The good thing about it is, that our stressed mind is switched off. Like this many of our problems are easily brought to a solution. Unfortunately, we dont remember our dreams most of the times. However, shortly after waking up they are still in our memory. Thats why it is advisable to put a dream diary on the bedside table and to write down all details of the dream there immediately. It is not important at all to be able to directly understand the meaning of the dream. Look through your notes once again at a quiet, alert minute and you will be guaranteed...
During sleep everything is processed. The good thing about it is, that our stressed mind is switched off. Like this many of our problems are easily br...
During sleep everything is processed. The good thing about it is, that our stressed mind is switched off. Like this many of our problems are easily brought to a solution. Unfortunately, we dont remember our dreams most of the times. However, shortly after waking up they are still in our memory. Thats why it is advisable to put a dream diary on the bedside table and to write down all details of the dream there immediately. It is not important at all to be able to directly understand the meaning of the dream. Look through your notes once again at a quiet, alert minute and you will be guaranteed...
During sleep everything is processed. The good thing about it is, that our stressed mind is switched off. Like this many of our problems are easily br...
During sleep everything is processed. The good thing about it is, that our stressed mind is switched off. Like this many of our problems are easily brought to a solution. Unfortunately, we dont remember our dreams most of the times. However, shortly after waking up they are still in our memory. Thats why it is advisable to put a dream diary on the bedside table and to write down all details of the dream there immediately. It is not important at all to be able to directly understand the meaning of the dream. Look through your notes once again at a quiet, alert minute and you will be guaranteed...
During sleep everything is processed. The good thing about it is, that our stressed mind is switched off. Like this many of our problems are easily br...
During sleep everything is processed. The good thing about it is, that our stressed mind is switched off. Like this many of our problems are easily brought to a solution. Unfortunately, we dont remember our dreams most of the times. However, shortly after waking up they are still in our memory. Thats why it is advisable to put a dream diary on the bedside table and to write down all details of the dream there immediately. It is not important at all to be able to directly understand the meaning of the dream. Look through your notes once again at a quiet, alert minute and you will be guaranteed...
During sleep everything is processed. The good thing about it is, that our stressed mind is switched off. Like this many of our problems are easily br...