Integrity means having honor and being in a righteous standing with the Lord. All countries as well as individuals are required to have integrity but most are lacking. Few people today know what integrity really means and why it is so important. Our news media lies and only tells what they want you to hear. Political leaders want people to follow their leadership even when it lacks integrity. A prophet in the Old Testament wrote, "woe to those who call evil good and good evil." Without integrity in our lives we fall into this woe. The Holy Spirit opened my understanding of integrity and how...
Integrity means having honor and being in a righteous standing with the Lord. All countries as well as individuals are required to have integrity but ...
Faith is so important with our walk with the Lord which means we must be planting our lives firmly in His Word in order to increase our faith. By reading and living His word we can start planting our roots deep into His soil with the outcome of a rich harvest being produced. His word says we rule and reign with Him in the heavenly realms. In the process of planting our seed into fertile soil we must first take the time to cultivate the soil. We can do this through faith in believing His word is absolutely the truth. When a crop is planted it must be watered. Retaining the water to maintain...
Faith is so important with our walk with the Lord which means we must be planting our lives firmly in His Word in order to increase our faith. By read...