ISBN-13: 9781534760554 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 114 str.
Faith is so important with our walk with the Lord which means we must be planting our lives firmly in His Word in order to increase our faith. By reading and living His word we can start planting our roots deep into His soil with the outcome of a rich harvest being produced. His word says we rule and reign with Him in the heavenly realms. In the process of planting our seed into fertile soil we must first take the time to cultivate the soil. We can do this through faith in believing His word is absolutely the truth. When a crop is planted it must be watered. Retaining the water to maintain the full growth and development progression requires rain and becomes a cycle God established in creation when He made plants yielding seed. I used a play on words; reign and rain. These words are homonymous; they sound the same but have different meanings. Rain is needed to replenish the water supply on earth and reign is consummated when associating with a ruling class or government. The common denominator is the word plant. Everything that happens is the result of what was planted. God commanded all seed bearing plants to reproduce according to the type of plant it is; oranges to oranges and so on. It is the same with the ruling class of people or governments. The type of government a country has produces what type of people will come forth from it. Although unlike plants people can revolt against a government and overthrow it and establish a new government. This book is based on overthrowing the satanic rule of government that came about when Adam sinned and gave up his dominion over creation to the devil or serpent. Under the rule of the satanic government man was held a prisoner to every type of bondage and unable to escape the deceptive powers he was forced to succumb to. Violence, immorality, coveting of what others have, hatred, and greed, along with false religions of devil worship just to mention a few of the bondages became a ruling part of man's everyday life. A life filled with joy, love, peace, and goodness was unheard of under the satanic rule. For man to escape bondage required the Word of God to be planted in the fertile soil of God's creation and nurtured. This produced a crop of everlasting freedom. When the Word brought forth His ripest fruit He was plucked and offered up as a sacrifice to pay for the rebellion of Adam. He was given all power and authority to reclaim creation as God established it in the beginning. Now under His rule of government man can be set free from all bondages the former government (under Satan's rule) held him in. In the very beginning before anything else was God existed.