There are businesses which earn money by doing nothing but create new names for other businesses. Choosing the brand name properly is the centerpiece of the marketing programs, it can enhance the awareness about the brand, can create brand image in favor of the company. Several ways and criteria are there for choosing brand names to build brand equity. On the other hand, from the prospective of humans when a child is born, choosing a nice name for the child is one of the most important decisions to be made. Likewise a name holds the power to shape a child's self-esteem and his identity and...
There are businesses which earn money by doing nothing but create new names for other businesses. Choosing the brand name properly is the centerpiece ...
China has been focusing on the development of its core industries including automobile that has become the worlds largest vehicle manufacturer, contributing a major portion to the growth of national as well as global economy. Yet, despite the extra ordinary development, the Chinese automobile industry faces threefold challenge, which if not handled properly may lead to undesired results, i.e. lack of independent innovation, a weak system of Intellectual Property Management, and, the continuous environmental degradation, for which the automobile industry is seen as a major contributor. This...
China has been focusing on the development of its core industries including automobile that has become the worlds largest vehicle manufacturer, contri...
Consumers have become highly environmentally conscious. This is especially reflected in their practices of eco-friendly utilization of resources. From companies perspective; it has become vital to clearly understand their attitudes to forecast their resulting behavior. In the past, massive research has been conducted in numerous fields of study to understand the attitude-behavioral relationship. This particular study focused upon Pakistani consumers attitude towards environment in general and the affect of these environmental friendly attitudes upon eco-friendly automobiles purchase...
Consumers have become highly environmentally conscious. This is especially reflected in their practices of eco-friendly utilization of resources. From...