I suppose I must be one of the luckiest people to be alive Anyhow, that's how I feel now. Of course, there have been times when I didn't feel this way. These occasions have been several and varied, and I will try to recount some of these in this publication. I will attempt to be reasonably accurate, but please allow some poetic licence, memories alter over the years. As suggested in the title, I will put more of an accent on the humorous side of my life, which has been spent as an agriculturist, or farmer I have tried to follow a logical sequence, but in some instances have failed...
I suppose I must be one of the luckiest people to be alive Anyhow, that's how I feel now. Of course, there have been times when I didn't feel this wa...
This is the story of a country girl, from the age of twelve, until the present time. In many ways her story mirrors my own life, with its many complicated twists and turns. I have worked on farms in various capacities all of my life, until having to retire through poor sight. I started by helping my father on his small holding, and as my brother and I became older, more acres were required to keep up the living standard. Life was not plain sailing, it seldom is, but it was, never the less, interesting. When I first started with my Father, much of the work was carried out with two shire...
This is the story of a country girl, from the age of twelve, until the present time. In many ways her story mirrors my own life, with its many complic...