JÓZEF PIŁSUDSKI: a Monograph. The Full-Color Edition
This book is in Romanian. It presents the life and work of Poland's Marshall Jozef Piłsudski
Cartea (440 pagini format Letter) se ocupă indeaproape de realizările deosebite ale marelui militar şi om de stat, care a pus bazele Poloniei moderne. Iată ce spune autorul despre acest impresionant volum:
Am inclus in cartea de faţă pagini diplomatice antologice nefolosite timp de aproape un secol şi care, dacă n-au fost analizate atata amar de...
JÓZEF PIŁSUDSKI: a Monograph. The Full-Color Edition
This book is in Romanian. It presents the life and work ...
"This book is in Romanian. It has a non-translatable title, based on the sound similarity between Romanian "maniere" ("manners") and "manele" (a type of folk songs loved by the masses but looked down upon by cultivated people). It is a collection of humourous short stories, in which the present-day Romanian habits and events are revealed and ridiculed."
Această carte vă ţine In priză cu fiecare pagină. Sunt numeroase piese de cAteva pagini care descreţesc frunţile şi aduc o anume prospeţime, pentru...
"This book is in Romanian. It has a non-translatable title, based on the sound similarity between Romania...
"This book is in Romanian. It is a collection of poems praising the triumph of light, of purity, and love."
Poezia Veronicăi Stănei Macoveanu este un strigăt de triumf al luminii, al purităţii şi al iubirii. In "VAnzătorii de iluzii," poeta ne propune un Univers In care sufletul fiecăruia dintre noi, de esenţă divină, păstrează permanent In profunzimea sa puritatea originară. El caută permanent să trăiască şi să exprime iubirea. Toate piedicile puse In calea...
"This book is in Romanian. It is a collection of poems praising the triumph of light, of purity, and love."
"This book is in Romanian. The easy humorous poems of the volume bring a moment of laughter and relaxation."
In linia lui Cosbuc, Toparceanu, Minulescu, creatia lirica a lui Irinel Giurgea Kornbaum se adreseaza tuturor iubitorilor de poezie, fiind usor de inteles, jucausa, muzicala si plina de umor.
From the Old and from the Young: Poems
"This book is in Romanian. The easy humorous poems of the volume bring a moment of laughter and relaxatio...
Fiecare om este dator să se cunoască pe sine. Venit in planul fizic, in zbaterile sale poate ajunge la momente de cumpănă, adevărate răscruci, in care este derutat, nu mai ştie incotro să o ia, nu reuşeşte să identifice care este calea cea mai potrivită de a merge mai departe. Se simte singur, de cele mai multe ori nu ştie să-şi asculte vocea interioară, iar de o conversaţie cu ghizii spirituali nici nu poate fi vorba. Şi...
This book is in Romanian.
Fiecare om este dator să se cunoască pe sine. Venit in planu...
This is a novel written in Romanian and translated into English by its author. It is based on real life, featuring the life and formation of a Romanian youngster. This hero, diagnosed with brain tumor, undergoes after-life experiences. For you to get the taste of the originality of the book, please read the first pages of this captivating novel:
The phone was ringing. Because I was waiting for the results of the college admission exam, I lifted the handset. "Hello, I want to speak to Cristi." "Yes, professor, it's me." "You passed, you punk, you are a student " "Thank...
This is a novel written in Romanian and translated into English by its author. It is based on real life, featuring the life and formation of a Roma...