Alphonse Daudet (13 May 1840 - 16 December 1897) was a French novelist. He was the father of writers Leon Daudet and Lucien Daudet. Daudet was born in Nimes, France His family, on both sides, belonged to the bourgeoisie. The father, Vincent Daudet, was a silk manufacturer - a man dogged through life by misfortune and failure. Alphonse, amid much truancy, had a depressing boyhood. In 1856 he left Lyon, where his schooldays had been mainly spent, and began his career as a schoolteacher at Ales, Gard, in the south of France. The position proved to be intolerable and Daudet said later that for...
Alphonse Daudet (13 May 1840 - 16 December 1897) was a French novelist. He was the father of writers Leon Daudet and Lucien Daudet. Daudet was born in...
On the 10th of August, 1880, at that fabled hour of the setting sun so vaunted by the guide-books Joanne and Baedeker, an hermetic yellow fog, complicated with a flurry of snow in white spirals, enveloped the summit of the Rigi (Regina monhum) and its gigantic hotel, extraordinary to behold on the arid waste of those heights, -that Rigi-Kulm, glassed-in like a conservatory, massive as a citadel, where alight for a night and a day a flock of tourists, worshippers of the sun. While awaiting the second dinner-gong, the transient inmates of the vast and gorgeous caravansary, half frozen in their...
On the 10th of August, 1880, at that fabled hour of the setting sun so vaunted by the guide-books Joanne and Baedeker, an hermetic yellow fog, complic...
Alphonse Daudet wurde am 13.05.1840 in Nimes/Provence geboren; er starb am 16.12.1897 in Paris. Alphonse verlebte seine Kindheit in Lyon. Nach dem Bankrott seines Vaters war er 1856 gezwungen, die Schule zu verlassen. Er arbeitete dann als Amtsdiener in Ales. 1857 zog er nach Paris zu seinem alteren Bruder Ernest. Alphonse begann dort seine schriftstellerische Tatigkeit. 1860 wurde er Sekretar des Herzogs von Morny, von der Pension nach dem Tode des Herzogs konnte er seine schriftstellerische Tatigkeit finanzieren. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title."
Alphonse Daudet wurde am 13.05.1840 in Nimes/Provence geboren; er starb am 16.12.1897 in Paris. Alphonse verlebte seine Kindheit in Lyon. Nach dem Ban...
" ...]but to do this it was necessary to send my boy away for a time that he might obtain the education worthy of the name he ought to bear. I thought that nowhere could he do as well as here, but at one blow you repulse him and discourage his mother's good resolutions." Here the Superior arrested her with an exclamation of astonishment. He hesitated a moment; then looking her straight in her eyes, said, - "So be it, madame. I yield to your wishes. Little Jack pleases me very much; I consent to receive him among our pupils." ...]."
" ...]but to do this it was necessary to send my boy away for a time that he might obtain the education worthy of the name he ought to bear. I thought...
Alphonse Daudet (13 May 1840 - 16 December 1897) was a French novelist. He was the father of writers Leon Daudet and Lucien Daudet. Daudet was born in Nimes, France His family, on both sides, belonged to the bourgeoisie. The father, Vincent Daudet, was a silk manufacturer - a man dogged through life by misfortune and failure. Alphonse, amid much truancy, had a depressing boyhood. In 1856 he left Lyon, where his schooldays had been mainly spent, and began his career as a schoolteacher at Ales, Gard, in the south of France. The position proved to be intolerable and Daudet said later that for...
Alphonse Daudet (13 May 1840 - 16 December 1897) was a French novelist. He was the father of writers Leon Daudet and Lucien Daudet. Daudet was born in...
The stories are all told by the author in the first person, typically addressing a Parisian reader. The author, having relocated his home from Paris, recounts short bucolic tales about his new life in Provence as well as his trips to Corsica and French Algeria. Considered to be light-hearted, and often a bit tongue-in-cheek, the stories vary from day-to-day events in southern France to Provencal folk-tales, and often feature professions and faunal references characteristic of Provence."
The stories are all told by the author in the first person, typically addressing a Parisian reader. The author, having relocated his home from Paris, ...
Extracto: ... cabrilleos, con la blancura de copos caidos. Estando yo alli, una noche, por no se que fenomeno desconocido desde treinta anos atras, aquella zona de escarchas invernales agitose sobre la ciudad dormida, y Blidah se desperto transformada, empolvada de blanco. En aquel aire argelino, tan tenue y tan puro, semejaba la nieve polvo de nacar, con reflejos de plumas de pavo real. Lo mas hermoso era el bosque de naranjos. Las verdes hojas conservaban la nieve intacta y enhiesta como sorbetes encima de platillos de laca, y todos los frutos espolvoreados de escarcha ofrecian una...
Extracto: ... cabrilleos, con la blancura de copos caidos. Estando yo alli, una noche, por no se que fenomeno desconocido desde treinta anos atras, aq...
Alphonse Daudet; 13 May 1840 - 16 December 1897) was a French novelist. He was the father of writers Leon Daudet and Lucien Daudet. Daudet was born in Nimes, France His family, on both sides, belonged to the bourgeoisie. The father, Vincent Daudet, was a silk manufacturer - a man dogged through life by misfortune and failure. Alphonse, amid much truancy, had a depressing boyhood. In 1856 he left Lyon, where his schooldays had been mainly spent, and began his career as a schoolteacher at Ales, Gard, in the south of France. The position proved to be intolerable and Daudet said later that for...
Alphonse Daudet; 13 May 1840 - 16 December 1897) was a French novelist. He was the father of writers Leon Daudet and Lucien Daudet. Daudet was born in...
"They "; How Tartarin went round to his Club; The Two Tartarins; Tartarin - The Europeans at Shanghai - Commerce - The Tartars - Can Tartarin of Tarascon be an Impostor? - The Mirage; Mitaine's Menagerie - A Lion from the Atlas at Tarascon - A Solemn and Fearsome Confrontation; Singular effects of Mental Mirage; Before the Start; "Let's have it out with swords, gentlemen, not pins "; A memorable Dialogue in the little Baobab Villa; The Departure; The Port of Marseilles - "All aboard, all aboard "
"They "; How Tartarin went round to his Club; The Two Tartarins; Tartarin - The Europeans at Shanghai - Commerce - The Tartars - Can Tartarin of Taras...
Alphonse Daudet: Briefe aus meiner Muhle Lettres de mon Moulin. Die ersten zwolf Briefe erschienen von August bis November 1866 in der Zeitung L'Evenement; weitere Erzahlungen folgten von Oktober 1868 bis Oktober 1869 im Le Figaro. Erste Buchausgabe 1869 im Hetzel-Verlag, 1879 wurden sechs weitere Erzahlungen hinzugefugt. Vollstandige Neuausgabe. Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth. Berlin 2016. Umschlaggestaltung von Thomas Schultz-Overhage unter Verwendung des Bildes: Moulin Alphonse Daudet (ursprunglich Moulin Ribet oder Moulin Saint Pierre) sudlich von Fontvieille. Gesetzt aus der Minion...
Alphonse Daudet: Briefe aus meiner Muhle Lettres de mon Moulin. Die ersten zwolf Briefe erschienen von August bis November 1866 in der Zeitung L'Evene...