The story is full with colorful hand drawings, that are so cute and imaginative for young ones. Its all about good friends that would not leave a friend in need and help him to find a solution. It's hard to keep kids captivated, but this book does it Making it fun with rhyme, color, and an adorable main Character that is easy to Adore. Most importantly it offers kids (and adults) a perspective That family and friendship are big part of life. This is an important message and at the right age and It's a sweet book to snuggle up to with your children anytime.
The story is full with colorful hand drawings, that are so cute and imaginative for young ones. Its all about good friends that would not leave a frie...
This charming book is a tribute to the importance of friendship. Through beautiful illustrations and whimsical language, a story unfolds of two rabbits competing to grow the biggest carrot. The competition breeds a dynamic that can potentially feel familiar to children, and certainly can be the grounds for a healthy discussion.
This charming book is a tribute to the importance of friendship. Through beautiful illustrations and whimsical language, a story unfolds of two rabbit...
This is a story about the adventures of a brave little spider, Which in consistency, determination, perseverance and courage managed to cross a major ocean riding on the back of a shark And managed to return home safely
This is a story about the adventures of a brave little spider, Which in consistency, determination, perseverance and courage managed to cross a major ...
En un bosque muy lejano, bajo un gran arbol de roble, Hay una tienda que ofrece golosinas y te en porcion doble. Una frondosa esquina verde donde los vecinos se reunen, Gente del bosque, algunos extranos pero todos aqui acuden."
En un bosque muy lejano, bajo un gran arbol de roble, Hay una tienda que ofrece golosinas y te en porcion doble. Una frondosa esquina verde donde los ...
" El correo has olvidado? " Le grito el rey al caracol despistado. Pero el caracol se mantuvo tan tranquilo como pudo. No le tuvo miedo al rey ni aunque fuera asi de rudo. Sabia donde estaba el regalo y como salir en su propia defensa. Los monstruos aprendieron que la paciencia tiene recompensa."
" El correo has olvidado? " Le grito el rey al caracol despistado. Pero el caracol se mantuvo tan tranquilo como pudo. No le tuvo miedo al rey ni aun...
Sobre el verde valle, un sol caluroso estaba brillando, Dos conejos que ahi se encontraron estaban conversando, Iban a trabajar, habia mariposas en cualquier lado, Dando la bienvenida al dia, la primavera habia llegado"
Sobre el verde valle, un sol caluroso estaba brillando, Dos conejos que ahi se encontraron estaban conversando, Iban a trabajar, habia mariposas en cu...
"Uno" se desperto sintiendose triste un dia, Sabia que no era especial y que nada valia. Sus amigos, los numeros grandes, tenian trabajo, Menos "Cero" porque el estaba aun mas abajo."
"Uno" se desperto sintiendose triste un dia, Sabia que no era especial y que nada valia. Sus amigos, los numeros grandes, tenian trabajo, Menos "Cero"...
Teach your child patience "You forgot the mail? ? " The king yelled at the snail. But the snail stayed as calm as could be. He was not afraid of the king, you see. He knew where the gift was; he knew what to do. The monsters learned that patience pays off too. We are all familiar with the phenomenon of children wanting everything "here and now." This story describes just such a situation. I hope you and your children will enjoy it and learn from it.
Teach your child patience "You forgot the mail? ? " The king yelled at the snail. But the snail stayed as calm as could be. He was not afraid of the...
Es regnete im Wald; der Winter kam so schnell wie ein Blitz. Schnee war die ganze Nacht gefallen, es war dunkel und sehr trist. Die Baume bogen sich, weil der Wind so kraftig heulte. Die Zahne der Tiere klapperten, wahrend ihr Fell sich straubte."
Es regnete im Wald; der Winter kam so schnell wie ein Blitz. Schnee war die ganze Nacht gefallen, es war dunkel und sehr trist. Die Baume bogen sich, ...