En la noche, cuando los niNos estaban casi adormecidos, Miguel no era de los que lograban quedarse dormidos. Su madre le leIa una historia y hasta dos le contarIa, Su padre le cantaba hasta que su rostro azul se veIa, Todo el dIa Miguel corrIa y la pelota habIa pateado, Pero luego solo podIa decir: "Yo no me siento cansado."
En la noche, cuando los niNos estaban casi adormecidos, Miguel no era de los que lograban quedarse dormidos. Su madre le leIa una hist...
At night when most kids were dozing so deep, Michael could never quite manage to sleep. His mother would read him one book, or two, His father would sing 'till his face turned blue, All day Michael ran and played and kicked ball, But then he'd just shrug: "I'm not tired at all."
At night when most kids were dozing so deep, Michael could never quite manage to sleep. His mother would read him one book, or two, His father would s...