With the passage of ATSA in November 2001, TSA assumed from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) responsibility for securing the nation's civil aviation system. In accordance with ATSA, TSA is responsible for the procurement, installation, and maintenance of explosive detection systems, including EDS and ETD, used to screen checked baggage for explosives (see figs. 1 and 2) at TSA-regulated airports.11 11 "TSA-regulated airports" refers to all airports that implement TSA-approved security programs pursuant to 49 C.F.R. part 1542, which includes airports regularly serving air carrier...
With the passage of ATSA in November 2001, TSA assumed from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) responsibility for securing the nation's civil a...
Multiple DHS offices, components, and agencies have roles and responsibilities in DHS's development of CBRN risk assessments, response plans, and capabilities.
Multiple DHS offices, components, and agencies have roles and responsibilities in DHS's development of CBRN risk assessments, response plans, and capa...
JMD has overall responsibility for managing the working capital fund and AFF. Justice's working capital fund was created by Congress on January 2, 1975. The fund is authorized to maintain moneys from four distinct sources, or functions (see table 1). The first and primary function of the fund is to finance, on a reimbursable basis, administrative shared services provided by JMD to other components of the department and other federal agencies. The second function of the working capital fund is to collect up to 3 percent of funds collected pursuant to civil debt collection litigation activities...
JMD has overall responsibility for managing the working capital fund and AFF. Justice's working capital fund was created by Congress on January 2, 197...
Counterfeit parts, generally the misrepresentation of parts' identity or pedigree, can seriously disrupt the Department of Defense supply chain, harm weapon systems integrity, and endangered troops' lives.
Counterfeit parts, generally the misrepresentation of parts' identity or pedigree, can seriously disrupt the Department of Defense supply chain, harm ...
The Homeland Security Act of 2002 created DHS and gave the department wide-ranging responsibilities for, among other things, leading and coordinating the overall national critical infrastructure protection effort. Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 7 further defined critical infrastructure protection responsibilities for DHS and SSAs. HSPD-7 directed DHS to establish uniform policies, approaches, guidelines, and methodologies for integrating federal infrastructure protection and risk management activities within and across CIKR sectors.
The Homeland Security Act of 2002 created DHS and gave the department wide-ranging responsibilities for, among other things, leading and coordinating ...
Federal agencies are generally required to use full and open competition to award contracts, with certain exceptions. This requirement was established through CICA, which required agencies to obtain full and open competition through the use of competitive procedures in their procurement activities unless otherwise authorized by law.
Federal agencies are generally required to use full and open competition to award contracts, with certain exceptions. This requirement was established...
This is GAO's annual assessment of DOD weapon system acquisitions, an area that is on GAO's high-risk list. The report is in response to the mandate in the joint explanatory statement to the DOD Appropriations Act, 2009.
This is GAO's annual assessment of DOD weapon system acquisitions, an area that is on GAO's high-risk list. The report is in response to the mandate i...
Created in 1923, the American Battle Monuments Commission operates and maintains 24 American military cemeteries on foreign soil, 25 federal memorials, monuments, and markers, and 7 nonfederal memorials. For fiscal year 2011, the Commission incurred program costs of $71.5 million to maintain its cemeteries and federal memorials.
Created in 1923, the American Battle Monuments Commission operates and maintains 24 American military cemeteries on foreign soil, 25 federal memorials...
The United States Army is responsible for land-based military operations. It is the largest and oldest established branch of the U.S. military. The modern Army has its roots in the Continental Army, which was formed on June 14, 1775, before the establishment of the United States, to meet the demands of the American Revolutionary War.
The United States Army is responsible for land-based military operations. It is the largest and oldest established branch of the U.S. military. The mo...
Various environmental laws govern the identification, study, and cleanup of environmental contamination at military installations. Under a key law, a public health agency has responsibilities for assessing the presence and nature of health hazards at certain DOD sites, among other items. In addition, statutes also specify DOD responsibilities for cleanup of its contaminated sites.
Various environmental laws govern the identification, study, and cleanup of environmental contamination at military installations. Under a key law, a ...