Homo oeconomicus juz dawno przestal byc modelem czlowieka, ktory jest zgodny z rzeczywistymi zachowaniami ludzkimi. Fakt ten zostal potwierdzony przez badania noblistow z poczatku obecnego wieku. J. Stiglitz, D. Kahneman, M. Spence, G. Akerlof oraz V. Smith udowodnili, ze czlowiek nie jest ani racjonalny ani obiektywny, a w swoich decyzjach kieruje sie czesto emocjami i subiektywizmem. Autor, chcac wypelnic powsta a luke, wprowadza nowy model czlowieka. Za pomoca 7 aksjomatow zostaje zdefiniowany czlowiek hedonistyczny (homo hedonistic), ktory wedlug autora poprawnie odzwierciedla zachowania...
Homo oeconomicus juz dawno przestal byc modelem czlowieka, ktory jest zgodny z rzeczywistymi zachowaniami ludzkimi. Fakt ten zostal potwierdzony przez...
Homo economicus has long ceased to be the model of a human being that is in line with actual human behavior. This fact has been confirmed by studies that were carried out by Nobel Prize winners at the beginning of this century; J. Stiglitz, D. Kahneman, M. Spence, G. Akerlof, and V. Smith proved that people are neither rational nor objective and that their decisions are often guided by emotions and subjectivity. In order to fill in the existing gap in the research, the author introduces a new model of a human being. The author uses seven axioms to define the concept of a hedonistic human...
Homo economicus has long ceased to be the model of a human being that is in line with actual human behavior. This fact has been confirmed by studies t...
Author introduces an original concept for the principles of human action, based on Ludwig von Mises's a priori axiom and the laws of consumer behavior, which are characterized by a high degree of prediction. The book poses two hypotheses: T1: Human action is of a hedonistic nature, which implies a large number of theories in economics and management science and in particular allows many theories of consumer behavior to be confirmed. T2: The hedonistic nature of human action is reflected in three spheres, personal, political and organizational, with political hedonism an inherent feature of...
Author introduces an original concept for the principles of human action, based on Ludwig von Mises's a priori axiom and the laws of consumer behavior...