The Fictional Autobiography of the Ancient Egyptian deity, Ptah, and his life as King Tutankhamon. Includes a prophecy of future events. This original and informative novel was popular in the 1990s from the first publisher in California, USA. Though now edited, the storyline remains intact. Ptah is the Egyptian Creator who creates by dreaming, thought, and mental action; he is the origin of the power of Chronokinesis, as this book will show... Events occurring after March 14, 1990 (when the novel was completed) mimic actual events, such as the war against Arabic terrorists, the Arab Spring...
The Fictional Autobiography of the Ancient Egyptian deity, Ptah, and his life as King Tutankhamon. Includes a prophecy of future events. This original...
This historical-fiction novel written in 1992 chronicles the lives of late 18th Dynasty Egypt, those of Tutankhamun and his wife, Queen Ankhesenamun. An Excerpt: Commander Horemhab sat anxiously and impatiently on the floor of his chariot, waiting for an answer. The royal troops had aligned the entrance of the Nubian camp and several scouts were patrolling in and out of the enemy head-quarters, looking for their leader. A single chariot of Nubian craftsmanship, originally stolen from Egyptian garrisons and modified to meet their standards, shifted the desert sands behind it as the chariot...
This historical-fiction novel written in 1992 chronicles the lives of late 18th Dynasty Egypt, those of Tutankhamun and his wife, Queen Ankhesenamun. ...
Californian Pharaoh: A collective memoir. "The memory was still present, its images fresh from the vortex of life, still brimming with static energy waiting to be extinguished by dementia. The air was stale, I inhaled deeply. I remembered the agent's own words: "left button will signal the agent to assassinate Fidel Castro. Right button will signal our man to take you out." All right, it's done. "Are you sure you want to do this Mr. President?" a woman asked. "I'll just reincarnate someplace else," I said. ... Then the car moved by the Secret Service man, who I waved down from the aisle. My...
Californian Pharaoh: A collective memoir. "The memory was still present, its images fresh from the vortex of life, still brimming with static energy w...
The original novel written in 1989-1990 became a national sensation in the 1990s as Eye of the Pharaoh. The same book correctly predicted or wrote events for the next 20+ years, such as: the unification of Arabic-Terrorist States into an Empire (Caliphate of Iraq in 2014), the Democracy Revolution of 2011(Arab Spring) in the Middle East, The wars in Libya, Egypt and Syria, and Syria's Chemical Weapons issue in 2013, The nuclear weapons issue of Iran and the destruction of the USSR, The search for the tomb of an Ancient Egyptian Queen prior to the Arab Spring. Repatriation of ancient artifacts...
The original novel written in 1989-1990 became a national sensation in the 1990s as Eye of the Pharaoh. The same book correctly predicted or wrote eve...
On Earth you can see a blue sky during daytime, and stars at nighttime. When you are outside of your body, you can see the Otherworld: the domain of the gods and spirits of the eternal. This guidebook will show you directions on how to enter the Otherworld, what to do, where to visit, and offers real estate for your justified Soul in your personal afterlife. This is a companion book with A Modern Egyptian Book for the Dead, & United Egyptian Imperial Republic Code Caesar 4.0, both written by the author. Copyright 2011 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved. When people die they often believe...
On Earth you can see a blue sky during daytime, and stars at nighttime. When you are outside of your body, you can see the Otherworld: the domain of t...
An Introduction to Genetic Organisms Designer (God Says Hello): Imagine that the Ancient World (Egypt) saved itself by traveling to the Americas and later Polynesia, introducing their advanced culture, technology and religion among the otherwise primitive dwellers there. Then compare the cultures found in Central America and Peru to the Ancient Egyptians, rather than theorize that civilization was created independently. You have Pyramids in Egypt used as tombs of the Pharaohs, then the same idea occurs in Central America - thousands of years later. The New World of America is the Land of...
An Introduction to Genetic Organisms Designer (God Says Hello): Imagine that the Ancient World (Egypt) saved itself by traveling to the Americas and l...