Pharaohism - The Official Religion of Ancient Egypt, focuses on the qualifications of a Modern Pharaoh. Included are sections devoted to Ancient Egyptian Technology, their beliefs, Magic, Mythology as Science, and modern Laws of a Micronation as an example. Copyright 2014 MJC, All rights reserved.
Pharaohism - The Official Religion of Ancient Egypt, focuses on the qualifications of a Modern Pharaoh. Included are sections devoted to Ancient Egypt...
Pharaohism 2: Evidence for the Tutankhamon-Jesus Christ Theory. There is no scene, ritual or ceremony in the Christian Bible that shows the Anointing of Jesus of Nazareth, or the transformation of him into Christ. The Greek word Christos (Christ) means the same as the Hebrew word Messiah, "The Anointed One." One would imagine this was important to those Ancient Roman converts marketing the new religion? The Anointing is a form of Consecration using Anointing Oils - not "power of God." The word Christ was added to the Scriptures at a later date than when it was first conceived, or possibly...
Pharaohism 2: Evidence for the Tutankhamon-Jesus Christ Theory. There is no scene, ritual or ceremony in the Christian Bible that shows the Anointing ...
NeferKheperura and the Legend of the Golden Pharaoh - By Michael J. Costa, (c) 2014: Excerpt: Four Hours Later, Michael Beshter's Apartment, New York, USA Was it wrong to bring Vivian back to his living space? His identity was safe for now. Michael and Vivian dined in that night, via room service in a secure room. A common delight: NY Steak, mashed potatoes with gravy, and a melody of fresh veggies with a fine white wine from California was the main course. Dessert was a rich chocolate Mud Pie, served for two. Afterwards, Michael showed her his various framed College papers, some Degrees, and...
NeferKheperura and the Legend of the Golden Pharaoh - By Michael J. Costa, (c) 2014: Excerpt: Four Hours Later, Michael Beshter's Apartment, New York,...
Nefertiti bore daughters to her husband. Based on surviving sculptures, in their early years Akhenaton and Nefertiti were happily married. In later years at least one portrait or sculpture shows them holding hands but leaving their expression somewhat depressed. They never had a male heir or son. Nefertiti's daughters, Meritaton and Ankhesenpaaton, both had female daughters named after them. Even Nefertiti's sister, Mutnodjmet, never bore a son for her husband Horemhab the future King and then-current General of the Army. Mutnodjmet was found as an element in the "floating barge" with an...
Nefertiti bore daughters to her husband. Based on surviving sculptures, in their early years Akhenaton and Nefertiti were happily married. In later ye...