It has been correctly stated that a person should study the book of Proverbs if he or she wants to be wise. Accordingly, whether by design or not, the book of Proverbs has been organized into thirty-one different chapters. That means that a person can read a chapter in the book each day based upon the numerical date of the month. For example, on the first day of the month, one would read the first chapter in the book of Proverbs. On the second day of the month, he or she would read the second chapter. On the third day of the month, he or she would read the third chapter and so forth for the...
It has been correctly stated that a person should study the book of Proverbs if he or she wants to be wise. Accordingly, whether by design or not, the...
The Hebrew word, elohim, for "God" was used two thousand six hundred and six times in the Old Testament. Its first use in the Scriptures was in Genesis 1:1. The Hebrew word, yhwh, for "LORD" was used six thousand five hundred and nineteen times in the Old Testament. Its first use in the Scriptures was in Genesis 2:4-5. Those two Hebrew words when put together become yhwh elohim and form the expression "LORD God." That combination appears five hundred and nineteen times in the Old Testament. But each of those two words was also used separately throughout the Scriptures with other combinations...
The Hebrew word, elohim, for "God" was used two thousand six hundred and six times in the Old Testament. Its first use in the Scriptures was in Genesi...
People sometimes have difficulty understanding the Trinity. But if that is the case with someone reading this introduction, then he or she should not feel too bad. It actually took the scholars and the theologians of the early church about five hundred years after the Incarnation of the Lord to even begin to figure it out. The whole idea of one God is not that difficult to understand. However, when the same scholars and theologians start talking about one God in three persons, then the whole matter becomes considerably more complicated. Is it biblically correct to envision three different...
People sometimes have difficulty understanding the Trinity. But if that is the case with someone reading this introduction, then he or she should not ...
The purpose of this book is to celebrate the victory that all of the saints of God can have through the power and the might of a personal relationship with Christ. It has been divided into three parts. Part one is entitled, "The Devil could NOT overthrow God." In that part, the reader will learn when and how the devil had actually become the devil. Then the fact of his never ending troublemaking within this world will be discussed. A key point that will be shown is that he is not in control of the events of this life. In fact, he is actually very limited as to what he can and cannot do. Part...
The purpose of this book is to celebrate the victory that all of the saints of God can have through the power and the might of a personal relationship...
This text will present four different biblical ways that a person can battle and even overcome deep depression. In a world where there are so many ups and downs and so much uncertainty, it stands to reason that every individual will at least sometime experience times of deep depression. So the purpose of this text is to describe how some of the saints of God had handled their times of depression. In the pages that follow, the very depressing circumstances of twelve people will be discussed. Two men had had to wait for a very long time for something that each had really wanted. One man had had...
This text will present four different biblical ways that a person can battle and even overcome deep depression. In a world where there are so many ups...