I combined Fuck It, I'm Fat: My Weight Loss Journey, Oh Shit, I lost Some Weight: 60 lbs in 6 Months, and 45 Days To Badass: Fitness Motivation into one book to tell my journey to a healthier lifestyle more effectively, and hopefully help the like minded. Fuck It, I'm Fat Mission... MY BIG AND SEXY HAS BECOME BIG AND DEADLY Well, actually, it has been deadly for quite some time. I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2005, but I've been fat-as-fuck since forever. I've lived a hard life, and food has always been my source of comfort. Whenever I'd go through something, anything, I'd eat, and eat, and...
I combined Fuck It, I'm Fat: My Weight Loss Journey, Oh Shit, I lost Some Weight: 60 lbs in 6 Months, and 45 Days To Badass: Fitness Motivation into o...