The Middle Atmosphere Program (MAP) was an international scientific cooperative program under the aegis of the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP). It commenced on January 1, 1982 and concluded on December 31, 1985. MAP was followed by a further period of cooperation known as Middle Atmosphere Continuation (MAC) in order to take advantage of satellite and Spacelab experiments from 1985 to 1990. MAP had its origins in a proposal made at the 1972 meeting of IUCSTP to organize a coordinated global program to study the structure and energetics of the stratosphere and...
The Middle Atmosphere Program (MAP) was an international scientific cooperative program under the aegis of the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestri...
The Middle Atmosphere Program (MAP) was an international scientific cooperative program under the aegis of the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP). It commenced on January 1, 1982 and concluded on December 31, 1985. MAP was followed by a further period of cooperation known as Middle Atmosphere Continuation (MAC) in order to take advantage of satellite and Spacelab experiments from 1985 to 1990. MAP had its origins in a proposal made at the 1972 meeting of IUCSTP to organize a coordinated global program to study the structure and energetics of the stratosphere and...
The Middle Atmosphere Program (MAP) was an international scientific cooperative program under the aegis of the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestri...
The Middle Atmosphere Program (MAP) was an international scientific cooperative program under the aegis of the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP). It commenced on January 1, 1982 and concluded on December 31, 1985. MAP was followed by a further period of cooperation known as Middle Atmosphere Continuation (MAC) in order to take advantage of satellite and Spacelab experiments from 1985 to 1990. MAP had its origins in a proposal made at the 1972 meeting of IUCSTP to organize a coordinated global program to study the structure and energetics of the stratosphere and...
The Middle Atmosphere Program (MAP) was an international scientific cooperative program under the aegis of the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestri...
The Middle Atmosphere Program (MAP) was an international scientific cooperative program under the aegis of the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP). It commenced on January 1, 1982 and concluded on December 31, 1985. MAP was followed by a further period of cooperation known as Middle Atmosphere Continuation (MAC) in order to take advantage of satellite and Spacelab experiments from 1985 to 1990. MAP had its origins in a proposal made at the 1972 meeting of IUCSTP to organize a coordinated global program to study the structure and energetics of the stratosphere and...
The Middle Atmosphere Program (MAP) was an international scientific cooperative program under the aegis of the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestri...
As the 20th century ends and we approach the beginning of a new millennium, future generations will look back and recall the leaving of our home planet as a defining moment in the history of humankind. The story of Apollo has been told and retold many times by those fortunate enough to have experienced space travel first-hand--the astronauts themselves. Those who managed to leave the cradle of the Earth and walk upon the surface of the Moon offer a unique perspective shared firsthand by only a handful of people chosen to represent humankind in the culmination of this great adventure. As we...
As the 20th century ends and we approach the beginning of a new millennium, future generations will look back and recall the leaving of our home plane...
October 1995 marked the fiftieth anniversary of Arthur C. Clarke's famous article in Wireless World proposing the use of satellites placed in geosynchronous orbit for worldwide communications relay. The article proved prophetic, for it heralded the modern era of telecommunications. Beginning in the early 1960s, several series of satellites were launched into Earth's orbit; collectively they transformed the latter twentieth century, creating a global village of instantaneous communications. Previously, the ionosphere had defined the limits of radio communication; today, by going beyond the...
October 1995 marked the fiftieth anniversary of Arthur C. Clarke's famous article in Wireless World proposing the use of satellites placed in geosynch...
The past 50 years have brought forward a unique capability to research and expand scientific knowledge of the Solar System through the use of radar to conduct planetary astronomy. This technology involves the aiming of a carefully controlled radio signal at a planet (or some other Solar System target, such as a planetary satellite, an asteroid, or a ring system), detecting its echo, and analyzing the information that the echo carries. This capability has contributed to the scientific knowledge of the Solar System in two fundamental ways. Most directly, planetary radars can produce images of...
The past 50 years have brought forward a unique capability to research and expand scientific knowledge of the Solar System through the use of radar to...
National Aeronautics and Administration Linda Neuman Ezell
The NASA Historical Data Book Series provides a statistical summary of the first 20 years of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA finances, personnel, and installations, 1958-1968, are covered in the first volume; while the second and third volumes provide information on the agency's major pro grams and projects for 1958-1968 and 1969-1978, respectively. Congress established the civilian space agency in July 1958, when it passed the National Aeronautics and Space Act. NASA opened its doors the following October. The new organization was charged not only with expanding man's...
The NASA Historical Data Book Series provides a statistical summary of the first 20 years of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA f...