Las mujeres asiaticas se encuentran entre las mas favoritas de los hombres, debido a su comportamiento cuidado, dedicacion a los valores familiares y, obviamente, porque estan entre las mujeres mas bellas del mundo. Como este planeta cambia ademas en un crisol de diferentes culturas, la comprension de lo que nos hace diferentes permite una mejor asimilacion de las caracteristicas que permiten una mayor armonia entre personas de diferentes origenes. Cada ser humano es unico y hay que tener en cuenta que cuando se analiza un concepto tan vago como mujeres asiaticas basicamente estamos tratando...
Las mujeres asiaticas se encuentran entre las mas favoritas de los hombres, debido a su comportamiento cuidado, dedicacion a los valores familiares y,...
Todo el mundo se preocupo con las predicciones relacionadas con 2012 y el fin del mundo, pero a pesar de que este ano ha pasado, la estructura del antiguo sistema se mantiene, por lo que muchos todavia creen en las profecias como la de Nostradamus, en el que un tercero anticristo crearia otro holocausto en la Tierra. Segun sus palabras, " el tercer anticristo aniquila todo y veintisiete anos de sangre su guerra dura. Los incredulos son asesinados, arrestados o exiliados con heridas, mientras que muchos cuerpos humanos cubren las aguas." Con la misma vision en mente, el autor analiza temas de...
Todo el mundo se preocupo con las predicciones relacionadas con 2012 y el fin del mundo, pero a pesar de que este ano ha pasado, la estructura del ant...
Todo mundo se preocupou com as previsoes relacionadas com 2012 e o fim do mundo, mas mesmo que este ano tenha passado, a estrutura do sistema antigo continua, razao pela qual muitos ainda acreditam nas profecias, como a de Nostradamus, em que um terceiro anticristo criaria outro holocausto na Terra. De acordo com suas palavras, "o terceiro anticristo aniquila tudo e vinte e sete anos de sangue sua guerra dura. Os incredulos estao mortos, presos ou exilados com feridas, enquanto muitos corpos humanos cobrem as aguas. Com a mesma visao em mente, o autor analisa os acontecimentos atuais a partir...
Todo mundo se preocupou com as previsoes relacionadas com 2012 e o fim do mundo, mas mesmo que este ano tenha passado, a estrutura do sistema antigo c...
This book brings together a set of stories that depict some of the most meaningful lessons of modern times with simple and direct messages for children. In order to impart valuable knowledge about common and realistic problems, the author transforms ordinary instances of life in easily understandable situations, as in the case of forest trees. These stories promote conscience, through induction and individual judgment, while promoting reflection and transmitting significant values about morality and ethics. It is, above all, an opportunity offered to younger people to acquire knowledge about...
This book brings together a set of stories that depict some of the most meaningful lessons of modern times with simple and direct messages for childre...
A lo largo del libro, se presentan varios principios de la existencia, que permiten comprender como procesa. A traves de los distintos capitulos es posible entender los ciclos de la vida, como se transforma y lo que la influencia del karma es. Se considera como elemento central de este trabajo el hecho de contribuir al aprendizaje de las reglas divinas y comprension de como interactuan constantemente en nuestra realidad. Por lo tanto, se enuncia un conjunto amplio de normas y como influyen en la transformacion de la realidad, en un ciclo del cual somos co-creadores. Entre otros, los temas que...
A lo largo del libro, se presentan varios principios de la existencia, que permiten comprender como procesa. A traves de los distintos capitulos es po...
Throughout the book several principles of existence, which allow understanding how it processes, are presented. Through the various chapters is possible to understand the cycles of life, how it transforms and what the influence of karma is. It is considered as the core element of this work the fact of contributing to the learning of the divine rules and understanding of how they interact constantly in our reality. Therefore, is enunciated a broad set of rules and how they influence the transformation of reality, in a cycle of which we are co-creators. Among others, the topics covered are the...
Throughout the book several principles of existence, which allow understanding how it processes, are presented. Through the various chapters is possib...
As the world continues to evolve in unpredictable directions, but the Portuguese economy remains predictably in permanent decline, as it has been for centuries since the fall from world first place, there is a search for explanations, solutions and answers that seem apparently nonexistent. An analysis of the past reveals numerous causes for the fall of a nation, but this study shows equally or more relevant as the observation of new emerging nations. Against this backdrop, China now presents itself as an example of good economy and society to the Portuguese, even though also in this attitude...
As the world continues to evolve in unpredictable directions, but the Portuguese economy remains predictably in permanent decline, as it has been for ...
Encuanto lo mundo sigue evolucionando en direcciones impredecibles, pero la economia portuguesa sigue previsiblemente en declive permanente, como lo ha sido durante siglos, desde la caida del primer lugar del mundo, hay una busqueda de explicaciones, soluciones y respuestas que parecen aparentemente inexistentes. Un analisis del pasado revela numerosas causas para la caida de una nacion, pero este estudio se muestra igual o mas relevante como la observacion de las nuevas naciones emergentes. En este contexto, China ahora se presenta como un ejemplo de buena economia y sociedad a los...
Encuanto lo mundo sigue evolucionando en direcciones impredecibles, pero la economia portuguesa sigue previsiblemente en declive permanente, como lo h...
Most of the things in which modern women believe regarding relationships and love is conditioned by movies, literature and social values in general. And, apart from any judgment that we could make about this fact, the truth is that the combination of such beliefs leads to stereotypes and behaviors that are now commonly known as female logic. But, women that follow such logic tend to be among the ones with less successful experiences in life. The incongruence between reality and this paradigm leads us to assume that what is logic is not necessarily realistic, but also that most of what...
Most of the things in which modern women believe regarding relationships and love is conditioned by movies, literature and social values in general. A...
Modern society evolves and so do women. Nevertheless, like with any other natural selection, we can clearly notice that while some are succeeding, a vast majority is feeling like they are heading for extinction. Let's call this the difference between the Alpha and Beta females, and start from this point to analyze the whole issue and where the problems have begun in the first place. The media is constantly bombarding women with ideas about what to do in life and which man to choose, or even with concepts and ideas about romance and marriage. Nevertheless, modern women couldn't feel more lost...
Modern society evolves and so do women. Nevertheless, like with any other natural selection, we can clearly notice that while some are succeeding, a v...