What can teachers with dozens of years of experience in different countries prove about hierarchy in the classroom was the subject of analysis that led to the resume of the laws expressed in this book. The conclusions presented here aren't suggested or proposed as examples of a good teaching profile, but rather a description of a study motivated by the need to understand the power that some teachers conquer to themselves, apart from their skills to educate or pass good values, which can always certainly be questionable and should, especially taking into account that this profile seems to be...
What can teachers with dozens of years of experience in different countries prove about hierarchy in the classroom was the subject of analysis that le...
We all want to know when a person is being honest or not. Our trust on relationships, businesses and friendships depend on it. There are specific rules, far beyond what the detection of a lie could show, that tend to be used in courts to reveal the true nature of the human mind. These principles are here revealed to describe precisely how the human mind works to conceal a lie or even a crime. They apply to everyone because they're related to the process of thinking, feeling and acting. While showing the complete structure of thought and moral, strategies and techniques are here described to...
We all want to know when a person is being honest or not. Our trust on relationships, businesses and friendships depend on it. There are specific rule...
Parents that allow their children to watch or read fairy-tales alone, often repeating the same movie or book several tines, are allowing them to become exposed to a mind manipulation tool from an early stage. Children are extremely vulnerable to this kind of brainwashing, which later ends up not only affecting their future but also conditioning their entire life in a fatalistic way. "I don't deserve," "It's not for me," "I don't have what is needed" or "I'm a bad person," among others, are expressions, feelings and thoughts, that dominate the mind of a person affected by the effects of such...
Parents that allow their children to watch or read fairy-tales alone, often repeating the same movie or book several tines, are allowing them to becom...
Love and breakups are part of an existential cycle that nobody can live without, even though they manifest in different levels and under a variety of unpredictable scenarios. The emotional suffering and joys that such experiences bring can't be erased from memory, so it's important to confront them and analyze personal believes wisely. Such exercise requires the understanding of the purpose of love and its positive outcomes. And, even though it may be interpreted differently by each person, it can be conceptualized and redefined according to experience. The most common approach to love is the...
Love and breakups are part of an existential cycle that nobody can live without, even though they manifest in different levels and under a variety of ...
After I published "How to Write, Publish & Promote Your Own Book In As Fast As 3 Hours With 10 Simple Steps" and "Creative Souls" I thought that readers, and especially writers, would appreciate my gifts to them, as I came forward in revealing personal secrets about how to write a good book at lightning speed. But instead, these two books ended up generating the most hateful attacks and derisions I have ever received. They described me as a drug addict and a psychopath, doing pretty much more than what anyone could have done, even if they hated the devil. Such amazing reactions surely prove...
After I published "How to Write, Publish & Promote Your Own Book In As Fast As 3 Hours With 10 Simple Steps" and "Creative Souls" I thought that reade...
Traveling in many different Asian countries and talking to several mixed couples have allowed me to understand much about the reasons behind the new rapidly increasing tendency of interracial marriages. On the other hand, as I also had relationships with Asian women, it was possible to observe how such personal insight could be crossed and combined with the experiences of those I've encountered. Interestingly, there's clearly a trend of Asian women looking for foreign men, not only inside Asia but outside as well. However, when talking about Asians, there's something we must clarify in...
Traveling in many different Asian countries and talking to several mixed couples have allowed me to understand much about the reasons behind the new r...
In its first edition, this book immediately became one of the most popular International Bestsellers for Learning, having been ranked in First Place in the Education section of Amazon Brazil and during months among the 20 most sold books ever in all genres combines. After numerous attempts from multiple entities to remove this book from market due to the impact it can cause in the educational system, the Author decided to edit the first version, by expanding it in knowledge and new chapters, thus contributing to a better explanation of this topic. This book summarizes the most important...
In its first edition, this book immediately became one of the most popular International Bestsellers for Learning, having been ranked in First Place i...
In a highly competitive world with everyone running for opportunities, an Alpha Female rises above all, by creating her own reality, and that's why "the woman warrior who is armed with wit and courage will be among the first to celebrate victory"(Maya Angelou). The discrimination of independent women pursuing their dreams, distorts the understanding of what a woman should be, appear or do, leading to confusion about what men really want. And, while the Publishing, Movie and Marketing Industries profit from the problem with cosmetics and romantic novels, women suffer from the pressure received...
In a highly competitive world with everyone running for opportunities, an Alpha Female rises above all, by creating her own reality, and that's why "t...
This compilation includes 5 Bestsellers about Seduction, Dating, Relationships, Sex and Love, and answers all questions women usually have, namely: * How to get a boyfriend; * How to find a husband; * How to get a real man; * Where to find handsome men; * How to get a man's attention; * How to love a man; * How to please your man; * How to keep him interested; * How to keep a man; * How to tell if he's cheating; * Why men cheat; * How to get him back; * Why men abandon women. Throughout these five books, a complete understanding of how to be an Alpha Woman is made possible with an analysis of...
This compilation includes 5 Bestsellers about Seduction, Dating, Relationships, Sex and Love, and answers all questions women usually have, namely: * ...
The concept of Alpha Female hasn't been so explored and referred to as what happens to Alpha Male. Therefore, isn't easy to find a common agreement about how an Alpha Woman should look like or behave. As most perspectives taken into consideration portray a negative image of what it means to be active as a woman, most end up waiting, dreaming, forgetting and giving up fighting for their rights. And, as the world evolves and changes, the gap between reality and common believes expands, leading many to despair and suffering. The need for women to be active and persistent in chasing their...
The concept of Alpha Female hasn't been so explored and referred to as what happens to Alpha Male. Therefore, isn't easy to find a common agreement ab...