Frank Jacob zeigt auf, dass Produktindividualisierung als typisch insbesondere fur industrielle Anbieter auf Business-to-Business-Markten angesehen werden kann, und belegt dies empirisch. Anschliessend wird das Instrumentarium, das einem betrieblichen Entscheider fur die Gestaltung individualisierter Marktleistungen zur Verfugung steht, aufbereitet und systematisiert. Verzeichnis: Produktindividualisierung kann als typisch insbesondere fur industrielle Anbieter auf Business-to-Business-Markten angesehen werden. Es wird ein Instrumentarium, das einem betrieblichen Entscheider fur die...
Frank Jacob zeigt auf, dass Produktindividualisierung als typisch insbesondere fur industrielle Anbieter auf Business-to-Business-Markten angesehen we...
Aufbauend auf der Neuen Institutionenokonomik prasentiert Frank Jacob einen Vorschlag fur die Erklarung von Geschaftsbeziehungen. Er stellt eine Typologie fur Institutionen des marktlichen Austausches vor und entwickelt auf dieser Basis eine theoretische Modellierung von Geschaftsbeziehungen.
Aufbauend auf der Neuen Institutionenokonomik prasentiert Frank Jacob einen Vorschlag fur die Erklarung von Geschaftsbeziehungen. Er stellt eine Typol...
Prostitution ist scheinbar genauso alt wie die Menschheit selbst und gilt nicht von ungefahr als das alteste Gewerbe uberhaupt. Dieser Band versteht sich als interdisziplinare, chronologisch sowie global umfassende Analyse des Phanomens und bietet dem Fachpublikum und dem interessierten Leser gleichermaen eine breite Darstellung der Prostitution aus historischer, soziologischer, genderorientierter sowie kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Untersucht werden dabei die Rolle von Prostituierten in der Gesellschaft, die Rezeption des Gewerbes per se sowie die Rahmenbedingungen, unter denen sich...
Prostitution ist scheinbar genauso alt wie die Menschheit selbst und gilt nicht von ungefahr als das alteste Gewerbe uberhaupt. Dieser Band versteht s...
Pornography can tell us many things about a society, when it is seriously considered as a topic for scientific research. The present volume offers interdisciplinary perspectives on the subject and shows how pornography can be studied and what we can learn from such studies, e.g., about the construction of gender roles and their representation in pornographic media. Specialists from different fields provide insight into their approach towards the scientific study of pornography and thereby highlight that serious research on pornographic content from different time periods offers valuable...
Pornography can tell us many things about a society, when it is seriously considered as a topic for scientific research. The present volume offers int...
The Atlantic Ocean not only connected North and South America with Europe through trade but also provided the means for an exchange of knowledge and ideas, including political radicalism. Socialists and anarchists would use this "radical ocean" to escape state prosecution in their home countries and establish radical milieus abroad. However, this was often a rather unorganized development and therefore the connections that existed were quite diverse. The movement of individuals led to the establishment of organizational ties and the import and exchange of political publications between Europe...
The Atlantic Ocean not only connected North and South America with Europe through trade but also provided the means for an exchange of knowledge and i...
Nationalism was declared to be dead too early. A postnational age was announced, and liberalism claimed to have been victorious by the end of the Cold War. At the same time postnational order was proclaimed in which transnational alliances like the European Union were supposed to become more important in international relations. But we witnessed the rise a strong nationalism during the early 21st century instead, and right wing parties are able to gain more and more votes in elections that are often characterized by nationalist agendas. This volume shows how nationalist dreams and fears alike...
Nationalism was declared to be dead too early. A postnational age was announced, and liberalism claimed to have been victorious by the end of the Cold...
Analyses how migrants are portrayed in film from different viewpoints Deciphers the semiotics of migration and its representation in cinema Analyses films which depict migration in Africa, the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East Explores films that transgress mainstream popular currents and instead participate in alternative networks, such as internet, festivals, museums, and art-house circuits Presenting the depiction of migration through a variety of cinematic outlets, this volume explores film's depiction of human displacement in different geographic circumstances and probes the...
Analyses how migrants are portrayed in film from different viewpoints Deciphers the semiotics of migration and its representation in cinema Analys...